torm GRAPHIC SERIES Legend Tile Character Library Keytop Assembly Instructions Keytop legend character options for STORM Graphic Series keypads Graphic Series keypads are supplied with the key bases fitted. Each key position can be customised without + FI F2 F3 F4 F5 dismantling the keypad. Keytop * legend options can be selected from a library of standard symbols, AC I/O = X F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 characters or background colours. Alternatively, customised keytop graphics can be created using laser ENT CE/E 021 F11 F12 printed acetate film or screen printed polymer film. The total thickness of the coloured tile and legend tile should not exceed 0.4mm. (Please ( ) < 34567 note, paper is not recommended as the printed graphics may degrade if exposed to moisture / condensation.) 89 >Fn % 1 Orientate the keypad correctly by checking the connector position on the underside of the keypad. & Set A Set D 2 Load each key position in turn. First locate the legend tile into the Black Characters Black Characters transparent key cap, then locate Transparent Background Part No. GSA0T20 Transparent Background Part No. GSD0T20 the coloured tile (see diagram). Before snapping the transparent key cap, including legend and customer tile, into position ENT PRINT DEL INS CAP 031 2 4 ensure that the legend tiles position, orientation and alignment are correct. ESC CTRL ALT ON OFF 586 7 9 Please note, if it is necessary to remove the transparent key cap a suitable tool or pliers should be used. LOCK / ADB C E Once removed the key cap should not be re-used spare key caps and bases are available in sets of 4, , . , CE/E ENT OFF , , F part number GS0000. + * Transparent Key Cap Set B Set F Transparent Black Characters Black Characters Legend Tile Coloured Tile Transparent Background Part No. GSB0T20 Transparent Background Part No. GSF0T20 Key Base ADB C E FIG H J KNL M O PSQ R T UXV W Y Z Colour Tile Sets Set C Black Characters Opaque White Part No. GS10T20 Set 1 Transparent Background Part No. GSC0T20 Opaque Grey Part No. GS20T20 Set 2 Opaque Red Part No. GS30T20 Set 3 Opaque Green Part No. GS40T20 Set 4 Fonts & character sizes may differ from those shown. Opaque Blue Part No. GS50T20 Set 5 Opaque Yellow Part No. GS60T20 Set 6 GFX-LEG1-01 Whilst every effort is made to ensure details are correct at time of production, specifications are subject to change without notice. Issue 1 Jun 98 FM 39602X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for storm interface manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : DEEX0103 1605-330013 3K042103 3KLW041103 7207-0410203 7207-121W203 PLX12T201 GS000201 3KLW120101 2210-452223 EZB6-430003 PLX041203 DEGL12003 2K120103 4500-003 DE1KT103 DE2KT103 WE2KT103 1K120101 7203-12T0203 FT1K0803 1200-MK0003 DEL6003 PLX120203 2K12T103 5100-1003 5103-1003 8616-210023 RC120201 DR2KW203 EZB2-505H03 EZB6- 530023 EZB2-405003 AT00-150016 6000-210023 FT4K0903 EZ08-23001 FT4K1003 2200-003003 3K160103 5100-0003 5100-FK03 5103-0103 DXPS1W303 7202-16T0203 8600-MK0003 WE1KT103 DEL12003 EZB6-630023 EZB6-630003