Ferrites and Accessories PQ32/30 Cores and coil former Series/Type: B65879B, B65880E Ordering code: Date: August 2009 Version: 2 Content of header bars 1 and 2 of data sheet will be automatically entered in headers and footers Please fill in the table and then change the color towhit. This ensures that the table disappears (invisible) for the customer PDF. Don t change formatting when entering or pasting text in the table and don t add any cell or line in and to it Identification/Classification 1 Ferrites and Accessories (header 1 + top left bar): Identification/Classification 2 PQ32/30 Cores and coil former (header 2 + bottom left header bar): Ordering code: (top right header bar) Series/Type: (top right header bar) B65879B, B65880E Preliminary data (optional): (if necessary) Department: KA IN FER D PD, SMP IN FER D PD Date: August 2009 Version: 2 EPCOS AG 2009. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS prior express consent is prohibited Ferrites and Accessories PQ32/30 Cores and coil former B65879B, B65880E Cores B65879B series To IEC 62317-13 Delivery mode: sets Magnetic characteristics (per set) -1 l/A = 0.441 mm l = 67.80 mm e 2 A = 153.8 mm e 2 A = 127.5 mm min 3 V = 10440 mm e Approx. weight : 57.4 g/set Dimensions in mm Ungapped 1) Material A value P Ordering code L e V nH W/Set N87 4800 +30/20% 1700 < 7.00 (100 kHz, 200 mT, 100 C) B65879B0000R087 N97 5000 +30/20% 1760 < 5.80 (100 kHz, 200 mT, 100 C) B65879B0000R097 N95 6100 +30/20% 2140 < 6.30 (100 kHz, 200 mT, 25 ... 100 C) B65879B0000R095 < 7.56 (100 kHz, 200 mT, 120 C) N49 3450 +30/20% 1210 < 3.65 (500 kHz, 50 mT, 100 C) B65879B0000R049 1) Measurement parameter: 10 kHz, 0.25 mT, 100 turns, room temperature. A value is measured acc. to IEC62044-2. An appropriate wringing of cores with polished surface is used to improve L reproducibility of the measurement. (It is recommended to rub the mating surfaces themselves six times in a circular or elliptic arc that matches the core profile before measuring A value). L KA IN FER D PD, SMP IN FER D PD August 2009 Please read Cautions and warnings and Page 2 of 5 Important notes at the end of this document.