Ferrites and accessories
E 32/16/9 (EF 32)
Core and accessories
Series/Type: B66229, B66230
Date: May 2017
EPCOS AG 2017. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the
information contained therein without EPCOS prior express consent is prohibited.
EPCOS AG is a TDK Group Company. E 32/16/9 (EF 32)
Core B66229
To IEC 62317-8
Delivery mode: single units
Magnetic characteristics (per set)
l/A= 0.89 mm
l = 74 mm
A = 83 mm
A = 81.4 mm
V = 6140 mm
Approx. weight 30 g/set
Material A value P Ordering code
L e V
nH W/set
N30 3800 +30/20% 2690 B66229G0000X130
N27 2100 +30/20% 1480 < 1.10 (200 mT, 25 kHz, 100 C) B66229G0000X127
N87 2300 +30/20% 1630 < 3.00 (200 mT, 100 kHz, 100 C) B66229G0000X187
N97 2400 +30/20% 1700 < 2.70 (200 mT, 100 kHz, 100 C) B66229G0000X197
Gapped (A values/air gaps examples)
Material g A value Ordering code
L e
approx. ** = 27 (N27)
mm nH ** = 87 (N87)
N27, 0.50 0.05 244 172 B66229G0500X1**
N87 1.00 0.05 145 103 B66229G1000X1**
The A value in the table applies to a core set comprising one ungapped core (dimension g = 0 mm)
and one gapped core (dimension g > 0 mm).
Other A values/air gaps and materials available on request see Processing remarks on page 4.
Calculation factors (for formulas, see E cores: general information)
Material Relationship between Calculation of saturation current
air gap A value
K1 (25 C) K2 (25 C) K3 (25 C) K4 (25 C) K3 (100 C) K4 (100 C)
N27 145 0.748 212 0.847 196 0.865
N87 145 0.748 208 0.796 191 0.873
Validity range: K1, K2: 0.10 mm < s < 2.50 mm
K3, K4: 70 nH < A < 710 nH
Please read Cautions and warnings and
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Important notes at the end of this document.