Ferrites and accessories E 42/21/15 Core Series/Type: B66325 Date: June 2013 Data SheetData Sheet EPCOS AG 2015. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS prior express consent is prohibited. EPCOS AG is a TDK Group Company. E 42/21/15 Core B66325 To IEC 61246 Delivery mode: single units Magnetic characteristics (per set) 1 l/A = 0.54 mm l = 97 mm e 2 A = 178 mm e 2 A = 175 mm min 3 V = 17300 mm e Approx. weight 88 g/set Ungapped Material A value P Ordering code L e V nH W/set N27 3500 +30/20% 1510 < 3.30 (200 mT, 25 kHz, 100 C) B66325G0000X127 N87 3950 +30/20% 1690 < 9.00 (200 mT, 100 kHz, 100 C) B66325G0000X187 N95 5100 +30/20% 2292 < 9.60 (200 mT, 100 kHz, 25 C) B66325G0000X195 < 8.70 (200 mT, 100 kHz, 100 C) N30 7500 +30/20% 3252 B66325G0000X130 N97 4100 +30/20% 1778 < 9.00 (200 mT, 100 kHz, 100 C) B66325G0000X197 Gapped Material g A value approx. Ordering code L e mm nH N27 0.100.02 1497 647 B66325G0100X127 0.250.02 759 328 B66325G0250X127 0.500.05 454 196 B66325G0500X127 0.640.05 378 164 B66325G0640X127 1.000.05 272 118 B66325G1000X127 1.500.05 201 87 B66325G1500X127 The A value in the table applies to a core set comprising one ungapped core (dimension g = 0) and L one gapped core (dimension g > 0). Calculation factors (for formulas, see E cores: general information ) Material Relationship between Calculation of saturation current air gap A value L K1 (25 C) K2 (25 C) K3 (25 C) K4 (25 C) K3 (100 C) K4 (100 C) N27 272 0.741 436 0.847 406 0.865 N87 272 0.741 423 0.796 396 0.873 Validity range: K1, K2: 0.10 mm < s < 2.50 mm K3, K4: 1210 nH < A < 130 nH L Please read Cautions and warnings and 2 06/13 Important notes at the end of this document.