X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of EPC9107 across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. EPC9107 are a product manufactured by TDK. We provide cost-effective solutions for EPC9107, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.


EPC9107 electronic component of TDK
Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. EPC9107
Manufacturer: TDK
Category: Unclassified
Description: BOARD EVAL FOR EPC2015
Datasheet: EPC9107 Datasheet (PDF)
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MOQ : 1
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1 : USD 198.6513

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We are delighted to provide the EPC9107 from our TDK manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the EPC9107 and other electronic components in the TDK manufacturer and beyond.

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Stock Image EPC9509
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DEV GAN 1/2 BRIDGE 2015 W/LM5113
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DESCRIPTION www.epc-co.com Demonstration Board EPC9107 Contact us: The EPC9107 demonstration board is a 3.3 V output, 1 MHz The EPC9107 demonstration board is 3 square and contains a www.epc-co.com Quick Start Guide buck converter with an 15 A maximum output current and 9 V fully closed loop buck converter with optimized control loop. Renee Yawger Bhasy Nair to 28 V input voltage range. The demonstration board features WW Marketing Global FAE Support the EPC2015 enhancement mode (eGaN) field effect transistor There are also various probe points to facilitate simple waveform Office: +1.908.475.5702 Office: +1.972.805.8585 28 V Buck Converter featuring EPC2015 Mobile: +1.908.619.9678 Mobile: +1.469.879.2424 (FET), as well as the Texas Instruments LM5113 gate driver. measurement and efficiency calculation. A complete block dia- renee.yawger epc-co.com bhasy.nair epc-co.com gram of the circuit is given in Figure 1. For more information on Stephen Tsang Peter Cheng The EPC9107 board contains the complete power stage (includ- the EPC2015 eGaN FETs or LM5113 driver, please refer to the data- Sales, Asia FAE Support, Asia ing eGaN FETs, driver, inductor and input/output caps) in a com- sheet available from EPC at www.epc-co.com and www.TI.com. Mobile: +852.9408.8351 Mobile: +886.938.009.706 pact x layout to showcase the performance that can be These datasheets, as well that of the LT3833 controller should be stephen.tsang epc-co.com peter.cheng epc-co.com achieved using the eGaN FETs and eGaN driver together. read in conjunction with this quick start guide. Table 1: Performance Summary (TA = 25 C) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V Bus Input Voltage Range 9 28 V IN V Switch Node Output Voltage 3.3 V OUT EPC Products are distributed exclusively through Digi-Key. I Switch Node Output Current 15* A OUT www.digikey.com f Switching frequency 1000 kHz SW Peak Efficiency 12 V , 10 A I 96.1 % IN OUT Demonstration Board Notification Peak Efficiency 28 V , 12 A I 93.5 % The EPC9107 board is intended for product evaluation purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. As an evaluation tool, it is not IN OUT designed for compliance with the European Union directive on electromagnetic compatibility or any other such directives or regulations. As board builds are at times subject to product availability, it is possible that boards may contain components or assembly materials that are not Full Load Efficiency 12 V , 15 A I 95.6 % IN OUT RoHS compliant. Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) makes no guarantee that the purchased board is 100% RoHS compliant. No Licenses are implied or granted under any patent right or other intellectual property whatsoever. EPC assumes no liability for applications Full Load Efficiency 28 V , 15 A I 93.3 % IN OUT assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or any other intellectual property rights of any kind. * Maximum limited by inductor saturation EPC reserves the right at any time, without notice, to change said circuitry and specifications. Quick Start Procedure V IN Charge EXT VCC Do not use probe ground lead Pump 9 V - 28 V EXT VCC Do not let 5 V probe tip Demonstration board EPC9107 is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the EPC2015 eGaN FETs and LM5113 driver. Refer to Figure 2 touch the low-side die for proper connect and measurement setup and follow the procedure below: LTC3833 LM5113 VOUT Controller Gate 3.3 V / 15 A Driver 1. With power off, connect the input power supply bus between V and GND banana jacks as shown. IN Dead-Time Minimize loop Place probe Setting tip on pad 2. With power off, connect the active (constant current) load as desired between V and GND banana jacks as shown. OUT GND GND 1 /2 square power module 3. Turn on the supply voltage to the required value (more than 9V, but do not exceed the absolute maximum voltage of 28 V on V ). IN Figure 3: Proper Measurement of Switch Node or Gate Voltage 4. Measure the output voltage to make sure the board is fully functional and operating no-load. Figure 1: Block Diagram of EPC9107 Demonstration Board 5. Turn on active load to the desired load current while staying below the maximum current (15 A) 6. Once operational, adjust the bus voltage and load current within the allowed operating range and observe the output switching behavior, efficiency and other parameters. 7. For shutdown, please follow steps in reverse. I IN IOUT NOTE. When measuring the high frequency content switch node of gate voltage, care must be taken to avoid long ground leads. Measure these by placing the oscilloscope probe A A tip on the top pad of D3 and grounding the probe directly across D3 on the bottom pad provided for switch node and using the right hand pad of R24 and the GND pad below it for gate voltage. See Figure 3 for proper scope probe technique. Measuring the switch node with a high bandwidth ( 500MHz) probe and high bandwidth scope ( 1GHz) is + recommended. + + Active V IN V NOTE. The dead-times for both the leading and trailing edges have been set for optimum full load efficiency. Adjustment is not recommended, but can be done at own risk by V 28 V 15 V Supply Load replacing R21 and R22 with potentiometers P1 and P2. This should be done while monitoring both the input current and switch-node voltage to determine the effect of these adjustments. Under no circumstance should the input pins to the LM5113 be probed during operation as the added probe capacitance will change the device timing. CIRCUIT PERFORMANCE The EPC9107 demonstration circuit was designed to showcase the size and performance that can readily be achieved at 1 MHz operation using eGaN FETs for supply voltages up to 28V or more. Since a closed loop controller is included on board, the associated losses must also be lumped into any efficiency measurement that is performed. In an effort to mitigate these losses and focus on the efficiency of the power stage, the controller is powered from the output through an unregulated charge pump supplied from the output. Thus the controller and Figure 4: Typical waveforms for 28 V to 3.3 V / 15 A (1 MHz) CH1: Switch node voltage Figure 2: Proper Connection and Measurement Setup gate drive losses are still included, but the associated conversion loss from the input supply is improved.DESCRIPTION www.epc-co.com Demonstration Board EPC9107 Contact us: The EPC9107 demonstration board is a 3.3 V output, 1 MHz The EPC9107 demonstration board is 3 square and contains a www.epc-co.com Quick Start Guide buck converter with an 15 A maximum output current and 9 V fully closed loop buck converter with optimized control loop. Renee Yawger Bhasy Nair to 28 V input voltage range. The demonstration board features WW Marketing Global FAE Support the EPC2015 enhancement mode (eGaN) field effect transistor There are also various probe points to facilitate simple waveform Office: +1.908.475.5702 Office: +1.972.805.8585 28 V Buck Converter featuring EPC2015 Mobile: +1.908.619.9678 Mobile: +1.469.879.2424 (FET), as well as the Texas Instruments LM5113 gate driver. measurement and efficiency calculation. A complete block dia- renee.yawger epc-co.com bhasy.nair epc-co.com gram of the circuit is given in Figure 1. For more information on Stephen Tsang Peter Cheng The EPC9107 board contains the complete power stage (includ- the EPC2015 eGaN FETs or LM5113 driver, please refer to the data- Sales, Asia FAE Support, Asia ing eGaN FETs, driver, inductor and input/output caps) in a com- sheet available from EPC at www.epc-co.com and www.TI.com. Mobile: +852.9408.8351 Mobile: +886.938.009.706 pact x layout to showcase the performance that can be These datasheets, as well that of the LT3833 controller should be stephen.tsang epc-co.com peter.cheng epc-co.com achieved using the eGaN FETs and eGaN driver together. read in conjunction with this quick start guide. Table 1: Performance Summary (TA = 25 C) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS V Bus Input Voltage Range 9 28 V IN V Switch Node Output Voltage 3.3 V OUT EPC Products are distributed exclusively through Digi-Key. I Switch Node Output Current 15* A OUT www.digikey.com f Switching frequency 1000 kHz SW Peak Efficiency 12 V , 10 A I 96.1 % IN OUT Demonstration Board Notification Peak Efficiency 28 V , 12 A I 93.5 % The EPC9107 board is intended for product evaluation purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. As an evaluation tool, it is not IN OUT designed for compliance with the European Union directive on electromagnetic compatibility or any other such directives or regulations. As board builds are at times subject to product availability, it is possible that boards may contain components or assembly materials that are not Full Load Efficiency 12 V , 15 A I 95.6 % IN OUT RoHS compliant. Efficient Power Conversion Corporation (EPC) makes no guarantee that the purchased board is 100% RoHS compliant. No Licenses are implied or granted under any patent right or other intellectual property whatsoever. EPC assumes no liability for applications Full Load Efficiency 28 V , 15 A I 93.3 % IN OUT assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or any other intellectual property rights of any kind. * Maximum limited by inductor saturation EPC reserves the right at any time, without notice, to change said circuitry and specifications. Quick Start Procedure V IN Charge EXT VCC Do not use probe ground lead Pump 9 V - 28 V EXT VCC Do not let 5 V probe tip Demonstration board EPC9107 is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the EPC2015 eGaN FETs and LM5113 driver. Refer to Figure 2 touch the low-side die for proper connect and measurement setup and follow the procedure below: LTC3833 LM5113 VOUT Controller Gate 3.3 V / 15 A Driver 1. With power off, connect the input power supply bus between V and GND banana jacks as shown. IN Dead-Time Minimize loop Place probe Setting tip on pad 2. With power off, connect the active (constant current) load as desired between V and GND banana jacks as shown. OUT GND GND 1 /2 square power module 3. Turn on the supply voltage to the required value (more than 9V, but do not exceed the absolute maximum voltage of 28 V on V ). IN Figure 3: Proper Measurement of Switch Node or Gate Voltage 4. Measure the output voltage to make sure the board is fully functional and operating no-load. Figure 1: Block Diagram of EPC9107 Demonstration Board 5. Turn on active load to the desired load current while staying below the maximum current (15 A) 6. Once operational, adjust the bus voltage and load current within the allowed operating range and observe the output switching behavior, efficiency and other parameters. 7. For shutdown, please follow steps in reverse. I IN IOUT NOTE. When measuring the high frequency content switch node of gate voltage, care must be taken to avoid long ground leads. Measure these by placing the oscilloscope probe A A tip on the top pad of D3 and grounding the probe directly across D3 on the bottom pad provided for switch node and using the right hand pad of R24 and the GND pad below it for gate voltage. See Figure 3 for proper scope probe technique. Measuring the switch node with a high bandwidth ( 500MHz) probe and high bandwidth scope ( 1GHz) is + recommended. + + Active V IN V NOTE. The dead-times for both the leading and trailing edges have been set for optimum full load efficiency. Adjustment is not recommended, but can be done at own risk by V 28 V 15 V Supply Load replacing R21 and R22 with potentiometers P1 and P2. This should be done while monitoring both the input current and switch-node voltage to determine the effect of these adjustments. Under no circumstance should the input pins to the LM5113 be probed during operation as the added probe capacitance will change the device timing. CIRCUIT PERFORMANCE The EPC9107 demonstration circuit was designed to showcase the size and performance that can readily be achieved at 1 MHz operation using eGaN FETs for supply voltages up to 28V or more. Since a closed loop controller is included on board, the associated losses must also be lumped into any efficiency measurement that is performed. In an effort to mitigate these losses and focus on the efficiency of the power stage, the controller is powered from the output through an unregulated charge pump supplied from the output. Thus the controller and Figure 4: Typical waveforms for 28 V to 3.3 V / 15 A (1 MHz) CH1: Switch node voltage Figure 2: Proper Connection and Measurement Setup gate drive losses are still included, but the associated conversion loss from the input supply is improved.

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