RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT 28,70 1,130 EMPFOHLENER FRONTPLATTEN-AUSSCHNITT 22,40 0,882 14,85 0,05 0,585 0,002 8,30 0,327 8 1 8 1 WIRING DIAGRAM 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 1:1 8 8 TTTTeeeecccchhhhnnnniiiiccccaaaallll ssssppppeeeecccciiiiffffiiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss MMMMaaaatttteeeerrrriiiiaaaallllssss &&&& FFFFiiiinnnniiiisssshhhh SSSSttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrdddd aaaapppppppplllliiiicccc.... VVVVaaaalllluuuueeee TTTTeeeesssstttt DDDDaaaattttaaaa SSSSttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrdddd aaaapppppppplllliiiicccc.... VVVVaaaalllluuuueeee MMeecchhaanniiccaall pprrooppeerrttiieess Insulation body Standard description PBT 30% MMeecchhaanniiccaall pprrooppeerrttiieess Contact material Standard description C5210 (acc.JIS) Insertion/withdrawal force IEC 603-7 max. 20 N Contact finish, mating zone Thickness of plating 50 inAu over 50 in Ni Mechanical operations IEC 512-5, 9a min 1.000 NOTE 1 : RECOMMENDED PANEL THICKNESS 1.6 mm 0.062 Shell/shield material Standard description C2680 (acc.JIS) Effectiveness of connector NOTE 2 : RoHS COMPLIANT Shell/shield plating Thickness of plating 50 in Ni coupling device IEC 512-8, 15f 50 N Information: Tolerances Scale 22::11 EEEElllleeeeccccttttrrrriiiiccccaaaallll pppprrrrooooppppeeeerrrrttttiiiieeeessss x,x 0,38 CCCCrrrreeeeeeeeppppaaaaggggeeee //// cccclllleeeeaaaarrrraaaannnncccceeee ddddiiiissssttttaaaannnncccceeeessss All Dimensions Packaging Bag x,xx 0,25 in mm a)Contact - contact IEC807-3 0,52 mm in b)Contact - shell IEC807-3 min. 1,0 mm DDeessiiggnnaattiioonn All rights reserved. VVVVoooollllttttaaaaggggeeee pppprrrrooooooooffff ((((DDDDiiiieeeelllleeeeccccttttrrrriiiicccc WWWWiiiitttthhhhssssttttaaaannnndddd VVVVoooollllttttaaaaggggeeee)))) Only for Information. Subject to modification without a)Contact - contact IEC512-2, 4a min. 1.000 VDC/VAC MMOODD JJAACCKK MMJJCC prior notice. AAAApppppppprrrroooovvvvaaaallllssss To ensure that this is the latest b)Contact - shell/testpanel IEC512-2, 4a min. 1.500 VDC/VAC Drawing will not be updated. UL insulation body UL 94 V0 version of this drawing, please Current carrying capacity IEC512-3, 5b 1,5 A 25 C INLINE COUPLER, CAT 5 e UL File No. E145613 contact one of the ERNI companies Contact resistance IEC512-2, 2a max. 30 mOhm RoHS compliant Yes Insulation resistance IEC512-2, 3a min. 500 MOhm before using. I (1/1) 113333551133 EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall pprrooppeerrttiieess EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall pprrooppeerrttiieess c 29.02.2012 AA33 Operation temperature -40 to +70 C Index Date CCllaassss MMJJ 16,00 0,630 17,20 0,677 15,00 0,591 23,60 0,929 16,00 0,630 14,50 0,571 19,95 0,785 Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. 16,80 0,661 0,00 0,000 -0,25 -0,010 19,05 0,750X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Modular Connectors / Ethernet Connectors category: Click to view products by ERNI manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 8949-H88/06BLKA/SN 74441-0010/BKN MP1010RX-1000 MP44RX-1000 PHJ-4P4C-1-V-4 PHP-6P6C-5 GAX-3-66 GAX-8-62 GDCX- PA-66-50 GDCX-PN-64 GDCX-PN-66 GDCX-PN-66-50 GDLX-A-66 GDLX-N-66 GDLX-S-66 GDLX-S-88K GDLX-SMT-S-88 GDTX- S-88-50 GDX-PA-1010 GLX-N-1010M-BLK GLX-S-88M-BLK GMX-N-1010 GMX-S-1010 GMX-S-66 GMX-SMT4-N-88 GPX-2-64 GSGX-N-2-88 GSGX-N-4-88 GSX-NS2-88-3.05 GSX-NS2-88-3.05-50 GSX-NS-88-3.05-50 PT-108A-8C-UL PT-J951-8C PTS-J531-8CS- 50UL 1-1775629-2 A-2014-0-4 GWLX-S-88-GR GWLX-S9-88-YG DC-1021-8-WH-6 1300530003 1324640-4 RJ11FTVC2G RJ11FTVC2N RJFTVX2SA1G 132764-001 1413235 MP88X-1000 MPS88RX-5000 E5288-S000K3-L E5908-15A242-L