Catalog 1308242 Issued 3-03 P&B CS series Solid State Hybrid Voltage Sensor Close differential Choice of two types Fixed pick-up and knob adjustable drop-out Knob adjustable pick-up and drop-out Internal 2 Form C (DPDT) output relay File E22575 Fixed Pick-up and Adjustable Pick-up File LR15734 Adjustable Drop-out and Drop-out Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part number. It is recommended that user also seek out the pertinent approvals files of the agencies/laboratories and review them to ensure the product meets the requirements for a given application. Engineering Data Sensing Modes Power Requirement: Typically less than 3VA or 3W. The CS can be used as an over or undervoltage sensor, depending upon Duty Cycle: Continuous. whether the load is connected to the normally closed (NC) or normally open Repeatability: 1%, max. (NO) contacts of the sensors output relay. Response Time: 10-25 ms, typ. Internal Relay Contact Arrangement: 2 Form C (DPDT). Overvoltage sensor The NC contacts are used. The relay remains de- Internal Relay Contact Rating: 10A 28VDC , res., or 120VAC, 80% p.f. energized until an overvoltage is sensed. Reverse Polarity Protection: On DC types. Temperature Range: -10C to +55C. Undervoltage sensor The NO contacts are used. The relay remains en- Temperature Coefficient: 0.2%/C, max. ergized until the voltage decreases to the preset level, where the sensor Enclosure: Plastic dust cover. de-energizes the relay. Mounting: 8-pin octal style plug. Fits either 27E122 or 27E891 (snap-on) screw terminal sockets. Weight: 8 oz. (227g) approximately. Adjustable Voltage Sensor Operation Ordering Information Distributors are more likely to stock boldface items. Note 1 As voltage increases, the RELAY Fixed Pick-Up and Adjustable Drop-Out relay will pick-up at its selected ENERGIZED point and remain energized while Part Number Pick-Up Drop-Out Range Maximum voltage is maintained at that level or (Volts) (Volts) Voltage higher. CSJ-38-71010 105 90-103 140VAC (50/60 Hz.) CSL-38-31010 22 16-21 32VDC Note 2 As voltage decreases, af- HYSTERISIS ter pick-up, the relay will drop-out at Adjustable Pick-Up and Adjustable Drop-Out 2 VOLTS its selected point. Part Number Pick-Up Range Drop-Out Range* Maximum (Volts) (Volts) Voltage Note 3 Minimum hysterisis, the RELAY CSJ-38-70010 92-140 90-138 150VAC (50/60 Hz.) voltage differential between pick-up DE-ENERGIZED CSL-38-30010 20-30 18-28 32VDC and drop-out, is typically 2% of CSL-38-40010 40-58 38-56 60VDC pick-up. CSL-38-60010 92-140 90-138 150VDC * Actual maximum drop-out voltage is the selected pick-up voltage less the hysterisis voltage. NOTE 1 NOTE 2 Outline Dimensions Wiring Diagrams Bottom Views (pins numbered clockwise from keyway) 1.781 MAX600 MAX. (42.24) (15.24) .875 2.937 MAX560 (22.23) (76.60) (14.22) - 1.187 + AC DC (30.15) INPUT INPUT Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in inches over Specifications and availability reference purposes only. (millimeters) unless otherwise subject to change. Technical support: 1302 specified. Refer to inside back cover. VOLTAGE 2.406 MAX. (61.11)X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Solid State Relays - Industrial Mount category: Click to view products by TE Connectivity manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : D2440-C H10CA4890 D4875C 1395831-1 1616010-6 BR312BY A-1326 H10CA4850 H12CA4890VL RA2410-D06 RA2410HA06T D1202F D53TP50-10 W230E-1-12 W230T-3-12 1-1617030-3 1-1617033-7 MS2-D2420 MS2-D2430 A-1440 RJ1P60V50E HS501DR- D2425 RN1F48I50 70.362.1028.0 7-1393030-8 Z5.509.0828.0 G3DZ-4B DC24 G3DZ-F4B DC12 2912138 SSRDAC10 SSR-10048RD1 RV8S-L-A240-D24 RV8S-L-A240-D6 RV8S-S-A240-D24 RV8S-S-A240-D6 RV8S-S-A240Z-D24 RV8S-S-D24-A240 RV8S-S-D48-A120 RN1F12V50 RJ1P60I30E RJ1P60V30E SO967860 SMT8628521 SO869970 SOD867180 SAL961360 SO867970 SOB863860 SOB867640 SOB942360