RAY-10X Issue 14 CUSTOMER DRAWING 28-Jan-16 Page 1 of 1 ECO-16-001244 RAYBRAID PLATED COPPER BRAID The complete requirements for procuring the wire described herein shall consist of this document. Plastic Former Braid - Copper Plating as below Part Braid Detail Description Strand Number Coverage Max. Size of % Weight AWG/mm Carriers Ends Minimum Nominal (kg/km) RAY-10X-3.0 38/ 0.102 16 10 93.0 98.9 14.1 RAY-10X-4.0 36/ 0.127 24 7 93.0 98.7 23.2 RAY-10X-6.0 36/ 0.127 24 9 93.0 96.3 29.5 RAY-10X-7.5 36/ 0.127 24 14 93.0 99.5 46.3 RAY-10X-10.0 36/ 0.127 36 12 93.0 99.0 58.8 RAY-10X-12.5 36/ 0.127 36 15 93.0 99.0 75.0 RAY-10X-20.0 36/ 0.127 48 16 93.0 98.0 109 RAY-10X-30.0 32/ 0.203 48 14 93.0 96.2 230 RAY-10X-40.0 32/ 0.203 48 18 93.0 96.2 305 The maximum weight value excludes weight of former NOTE: The X in the part number shall be replaced with the plating type as below: 1 = Tin plated conductor 3 = Nickel plated conductor The last number of the part depicts the nominal internal diameter of the braid, e.g. RAY-101-7.5 Tin Plated Copper Braid with 7.50 mm nominal internal diameter. PERFORMANCE To be tested to and meet the requirements of the issue in effect of WSD 1922. REQUIREMENTS: RAYBRAID is a registered trademark of Tyco Electronics Corporation. APPROVAL: Electronic sign off - no signatures will appear. 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SNSNSNSN3333 5555HHHHHHHH SwSwSwSwiinniinnddddoooonnnn,, ,,SNSN SNSN3333 55 55HHHHHHHH TTTTeeeellll:::: ++++44444444 (0(0(0(0)1)1)1)1777799993333 555522228888111177771111 WWeebbssiittee:: wwwwww..ttee..cocomm WWeebbssiittee:: wwwwww..ttee..cocomm FFFFaaaax:x:x:x: ++++44444444 (0(0(0(0)1)1)1)1777799993333 555577772222555511116666 2015 Tyco Electronics UK Ltd, a TE Connectivity Ltd. company. 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