Thermal Transfer
WP White polyester labels
Tyco Electronics WP is a thermal transfer printable white polyester
film with a permanent acrylic adhesive. It is ideal for bar coding,
PCB and component labeling, as well as general purpose labeling
applications that require a high durability white label. WP is
resistant to a variety of solvents while maintaining print quality. It is
UL Listed and print performance and durability are reliable when
used with Tyco Electronics 1330-0607 ribbon.
Features and benefits
Thermal transfer printable
Excellent for use in PCB component labeling
Ink receptive topcoat
Excellent for bar code applications
UL Listed
Part numbering system
WP- 040040-10- 9
Tyco Electronics TTDS -073
Industry UL MH17292 Group PGJI2
Pack size
Adhesive Permanent acrylic
Label height (mm)
Service temperature 40C to +150C 40F to +302F
Label width (mm)
Recommended printer T300 Series printers
Product family
Recommended ribbon 1330-0607-10*
*Alternative printers and ribbons are available for special applications. Contact Tyco
Electronics Identification for more information.
Ordering information
Product dimensions
Product Package Labels Label width (A) Label height (B) Horizontal repeat (C) Vertical repeat (D) Web width (E)
order code quantity across mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches
WP-040040-25-9 25,000 20 4.0 0.157 4.0 0.157 4.0 0.157 7.2 0.281 86.0 3.380
WP-064064-25-9 25,000 12 6.4 0.250 6.4 0.250 6.4 0.250 9.5 0.375 82.2 3.240
* WP-080080-10-9 10,000 8 8.0 0.315 8.0 0.315 9.9 0.390 13.3 0.525 83.3 3.280
WP-089047-10-9 10,000 5 8.9 0.350 4.7 0.185 11.4 0.450 7.9 0.313 60.6 2.386
WP-095080-25-9 25,000 5 9.5 0.375 8.0 0.315 12.2 0.480 12.7 0.500 64.3 2.531
WP-095095-10-9 10,000 7 9.5 0.375 9.5 0.375 11.1 0.437 12.7 0.500 82.1 3.230
** NNOOTTEE:: SSttaannddaarrdd FFoorrmmaatt NNoott CCoommppaattiibbllee wwiitthh TT220000 PPrriinntteerrss
Catalog 1654227 Dimensions not italicized are Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 04-07 in millimeters while dimensions reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
in inches are italicized. Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Thermal Transfer
Label ID Products Thermal Transfer
WP White polyester labels
Product dimensions
Product Package Labels Label width (A) Label height (B) Horizontal repeat (C) Vertical repeat (D) Web width (E)
order code quantity across mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches
WP-127111-10-9 10,000 5 12.7 0.500 11.1 0.437 16.8 0.662 14.3 0.563 86.0 3.380
WP-127127-10-9 10,000 5 12.7 0.500 12.7 0.500 15.9 0.625 15.9 0.625 82.6 3.250
* WP-165051-25-9 25,000 4 16.5 0.650 5.1 0.200 17.8 0.700 8.3 0.325 75.8 2.990
WP-165102-10-9 10,000 5 16.5 0.650 10.2 0.400 19.1 0.750 13.8 0.545 99.1 3.900
WP-171171-10-9 10,000 5 17.1 0.674 17.1 0.674 19.7 0.774 20.3 0.800 101.8 4.006
* WP-178095-10-9 10,000 4 17.8 0.700 9.5 0.375 19.1 0.750 12.7 0.500 80.9 3.190
* WP-191064-10-9 10,000 4 19.1 0.750 6.4 0.250 21.6 0.850 9.5 0.375 89.9 3.540
WP-191114-15-9 15,000 3 19.1 0.750 11.4 0.450 22.2 0.875 14.7 0.579 69.5 2.736
* WP-203127-10-9 10,000 4 20.3 0.800 12.7 0.500 22.9 0.900 15.9 0.625 94.6 3.730
WP-229064-10-9 10,000 3 22.9 0.900 6.4 0.250 28.6 1.125 9.5 0.375 86.0 3.390
WP-254045-10-9 10,000 3 25.4 1.000 4.6 0.180 31.8 1.250 8.5 0.333 95.3 3.750
WP-254064-10-9 10,000 3 25.4 1.000 6.4 0.250 27.9 1.100 9.5 0.375 87.3 3.436
WP-254097-10-9 10,000 3 25.4 1.000 9.7 0.380 27.9 1.100 12.7 0.500 87.4 3.440
WP-254127-10-9 10,000 3 25.4 1.000 12.7 0.500 27.9 1.100 16.9 0.666 87.4 3.440
WP-254254-10-9 10,000 3 25.4 1.000 25.4 1.000 27.9 1.100 28.6 1.125 87.4 3.440
* WP-305047-10-9 10,000 2 30.5 1.200 4.7 0.185 33.0 1.300 7.8 0.306 69.5 2.736
WP-318064-10-9 10,000 1 31.8 1.250 6.4 0.250 N/A N/A 9.5 0.375 37.9 1.490
WP-318097-10-9 10,000 1 31.8 1.250 9.7 0.380 N/A N/A 12.7 0.500 37.8 1.488
WP-381064-10-9 10,000 1 38.1 1.500 6.4 0.250 N/A N/A 9.5 0.375 44.5 1.750
* WP-381127-5-9 5,000 2 38.1 1.500 12.7 0.500 44.2 1.740 15.9 0.630 88.2 3.470
WP-381191-5-9 5,000 2 38.1 1.500 19.1 0.750 43.2 1.700 22.2 0.875 87.6 3.450
* WP-381381-2.5-9 2,500 2 38.1 1.500 38.1 1.500 44.5 1.750 40.8 1.610 88.9 3.500
* WP-381635-5-9 5,000 2 38.1 1.500 63.5 2.500 40.6 1.600 66.7 2.630 84.7 3.340
* WP-406254-1.5-9 1,500 2 40.6 1.600 25.4 1.000 55.9 2.200 38.1 1.500 102.9 4.050
WP-445064-10-9 10,000 1 44.5 1.750 6.4 0.250 N/A N/A 9.5 0.375 50.4 1.986
WP-445102-5-9 5,000 1 44.5 1.750 10.2 0.400 N/A N/A 12.7 0.500 50.4 1.986
WP-445445-2-9 2,000 1 44.5 1.750 44.5 1.750 N/A N/A 47.6 1.875 50.4 1.986
WP-478175-5-9 5,000 1 47.8 1.880 17.5 0.690 N/A N/A 24.4 0.962 66.0 2.600
WP-508064-10-9 10,000 1 50.8 2.000 6.4 0.250 N/A N/A 9.5 0.375 56.9 2.240
WP-508095-5-9 5,000 1 50.8 2.000 9.5 0.375 N/A N/A 12.7 0.500 57.2 2.250
WP-508127-5-9 5,000 1 50.8 2.000 12.7 0.500 N/A N/A 15.9 0.625 56.9 2.240
WP-508254-5-9 5,000 1 50.8 2.000 25.4 1.000 N/A N/A 28.6 1.125 57.2 2.250
WP-508318-2.5-9 2,500 1 50.8 2.000 31.8 1.250 N/A N/A 34.9 1.375 56.9 2.240
WP-508508-3-9 3,000 1 50.8 2.000 50.8 2.000 N/A N/A 54.6 2.150 54.0 2.130
WP-523841-1.5-9 1,500 1 52.3 2.060 84.1 3.310 N/A N/A 88.9 3.500 58.2 2.290
WP-610419-2.5-9 2,500 1 61.0 2.400 41.9 1.650 N/A N/A 45.5 1.792 67.3 2.650
WP-699191-5-9 5,000 1 69.9 2.750 19.1 0.750 N/A N/A 23.3 0.917 76.2 3.000
WP-699254-5-9 5,000 1 69.9 2.750 25.4 1.000 N/A N/A 28.6 1.125 76.2 3.000
WP-762254-5-9 5,000 1 76.2 3.000 25.4 1.000 N/A N/A 28.6 1.125 82.3 3.240
WP-762381-2.5-9 2,500 1 76.2 3.000 38.1 1.500 N/A N/A 41.3 1.625 82.3 3.240
WP-762508-2.5-9 2,500 1 76.2 3.000 50.8 2.000 N/A N/A 54.0 2.125 82.6 3.240
WP-762127-1-9 1,000 1 76.2 3.000 127.0 5.000 N/A N/A 129.5 5.100 79.4 3.130
WP-101508-2.5-9 2,500 1 101.6 4.000 50.8 2.000 N/A N/A 54.6 2.150 104.1 4.100
WP-101635-2.5-9 2,500 1 101.6 4.000 63.5 2.500 N/A N/A 66.7 2.625 107.7 4.240
WP-101762-1.8-9 1,800 1 101.6 4.000 76.2 3.000 N/A N/A 79.4 3.125 104.1 4.100
WP-101101-1.3-9 1,300 1 101.6 4.000 101.6 4.000 N/A N/A 104.8 4.125 104.1 4.100
WP-101165-0.85-9 850 1 101.6 4.000 165.1 6.500 N/A N/A 168.3 6.680 104.9 4.130
** NNOOTTEE:: SSttaannddaarrdd FFoorrmmaatt NNoott CCoommppaattiibbllee wwiitthh TT220000 PPrriinntteerrss
Catalog 1654227 Dimensions not italicized are Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 04-07 in millimeters while dimensions reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
in inches are italicized. Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Thermal Transfer
Label ID Products