xx HCTEK54 Transit Case Warranty The HCTEK54 is a ruggedized transit case specically Tektronix warrants that the product will be free from defects designed to provide travel and storage protection. The case in materialsand workmanshipforaperiod ofthree(3)months protectsinstruments from shock, vibration, and moisture with fromthedateoforiginalpurchasefromanauthorizedTektronix roomforaccessories,suchasprobes,adapters,andmanuals. distributor. Iftheproductprovesdefectiveduringthiswarranty period, Tektronix, at itsoption, either will repair the defective The HCTEK54 case accommodates the following product product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a series: replacementinexchangeforthedefectiveproduct. Batteriesare MSO4000B, DPO4000B Series excluded from this warranty. Parts, modules and replacement products used by Tektronix for warranty work may be new or MSO5000, DPO5000 Series reconditioned to like new performance. All replaced parts, Otherfeaturesincludeanairpressureequalizationcontrolvalve modulesandproductsbecomethepropertyof Tektronix. foruseduringairtransportandsecurityringsforusewithlocks In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer (locks not included). must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration of TheHCTEK54consistsofaheavydutyoutershellandaninner the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the layer of foam. The inner foam consistsof a permanent ring of performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service foam and one removable foam piece. center designated by Tektronix, shipping chargesprepaid, and withacopyofcustomerproofofpurchase. Tektronixshallpay forthe return of the product to Customerif the shipment is to HCTEK54 a location within the country in which the Tektronix service Transit Case center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying ZZZ all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for Instructions products returned to any other locations. This warranty shall not applyto any defect, failure ordamage causedbyimproperuseorimproperorinadequatemaintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service underthiswarrantya)torepairdamageresultingfromattempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment HCTEK54 specications c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronixsupplies ord)toserviceaproductthathasbeen Material/Color: Ultra-HighImpactPolypropylene/Black,Polyurethane modied or integrated with other products when the effect of foam lining suchmodicationorintegrationincreasesthetimeordifculty Shipping Weight (with foam) 24.62 lbs. (11.17 kg) of servicing the product. Exterior Length Width Height THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN BY TEKTRONIX WITH Dimensions 24.64inches 19.39inches 13.78inches RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT IN LIEU OF ANY (62.6 cm) (49.2 cm) (35 cm) OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. TEKTRONIX AND ITS VENDORS DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TEKTRONIX RESPONSIBILITYTOREPAIRORREPLACEDEFECTIVE PRODUCTS IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY PROVIDED TO THE CUSTOMER FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. TEKTRONIX AND ITS VENDORS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER TEKTRONIX OR THE VENDORHASADVANCENOTICEOFTHEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. *P071282800* W14 15AUG04 071-2828-00 xContacting Tektronix Using the HCTEK54 with MSO5000 and DPO5000 Series Using the HCTEK54 with MSO4000B and DPO4000B Series Oscilloscopes Oscilloscopes Tektronix, Inc. 1. Open thetransitcasebyunsnappingthefourlatches. 1. Openthetransitcaseby unsnapping thefourlatches. 14150 SW Karl Braun Drive 2. Remove the foam piece from the transit case. 2. Fold the oscilloscope handle down. P.O. Box 500 3. Withtheoscilloscopehandleinitsup-rightposition,place 3. With the oscilloscope pouch facing forward, place the Beaverton, OR 97077 the oscilloscope into its soft case. oscilloscope into the transit case. USA 4. Closethetransitcaseand snap thefourlatchesclosed. NOTE. The soft case (ACD4000B) is a required component of this system, and must be purchased separately. 5. To secure the transit case, fasten a lock through the Forproductinformation,sales,service,andtechnicalsupport: security rings. 4. Placetheoscilloscope(andsoftcase)intothetransitcase. In North America, call 1-800-833-9200. 6. If the instrument is to be transported via aircraft, open 5. Closethetransitcaseandsnapthefourlatchesclosed. the air pressure control valve to allow for pressure Worldwide,visitwww.tektronix.comtondcontactsinyour equalization. 6. To secure the transit case, fasten a lock through the area. security rings. 7. If the instrument is to be transported via aircraft, open the air pressure control valve to allow for pressure equalization. CopyrightTektronix,Inc. Allrightsreserved. www.tektronix.com