X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of TSG4102A M00 Inrush Current Limiters across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. TSG4102A M00 Inrush Current Limiters are a product manufactured by Tektronix. We provide cost-effective solutions for Inrush Current Limiters, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

TSG4102A M00 Tektronix

TSG4102A M00 electronic component of Tektronix
TSG4102A M00 Tektronix
TSG4102A M00 Inrush Current Limiters
TSG4102A M00  Circuit Protection

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See Product Specifications
Part No. TSG4102A M00
Manufacturer: Tektronix
Category: Inrush Current Limiters
Datasheet: TSG4102A M00 Datasheet (PDF)
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Price (USD)
1: USD 16697.4264 ea
Line Total: USD 16697.43 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 12 Mar to Tue. 18 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 16697.4264

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We are delighted to provide the TSG4102A M00 from our Inrush Current Limiters category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the TSG4102A M00 and other electronic components in the Inrush Current Limiters category and beyond.

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Inrush Current Limiters
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RF Vector Signal Generators TSG4100A Series Key performance specifications True DC to 2 GHz, 4 GHz or 6 GHz to support both analog and vector/ digital signal generation Typical 0.30 dB amplitude accuracy (0 dBm CW signal at 22 C) from 10 MHz to 6 GHz I/Q modulation inputs (400 MHz RF bandwidth) ASK, FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM, VSB, and custom I/Q Analog modulation The TSG4100A Series RF Vector Signal Generator offers mid-range performance and up to 200 MHz modulation bandwidth at an entry-level RF The Tektronix TSG4100A Series RF Vector Signal Generators offer a wide signal generator price. They use a new technique to provide spurious free variety of modulation capabilities. Modes include amplitude modulation outputs with low phase noise (-113 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from 1 GHz (AM), frequency modulation (FM), phase modulation (M), and pulse carrier) and extraordinary frequency resolution (1 Hz at any frequency). modulation. There is an internal modulation source as well as an external The TSG4100A Series comes standard with analog modulation. modulation input. The internal modulation source produces sine, ramp, Convenient, in-field software upgrades allow for easy transition from analog saw, square, and noise waveforms. An external modulation signal may be to more advanced vector and digital modulation capabilities, providing the applied to the rear panel modulation input. The internal modulation most flexible configuration and best CAPEX protection. These instruments generator is available as an output on the rear panel. complement other leading mid-range RF test solutions from Tektronix, such as the USB-based RSA306 Spectrum Analyzer and MDO4000B and Vector modulation MDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes. The TSG4100A Series builds on this performance by adding full support for The TSG4100A Series instruments use an ovenized SC-cut oscillator vector signal modulation on RF carriers between 400 MHz and 6.0 GHz. It (TSG410xA-M00 or E1 models) time-base, providing a 100 X improvement features a dual arbitrary waveform generator operating at 125 MHz for in stability (and a 100 X reduction in the in-close phase noise) compared to baseband signal generation. The generator has built-in support for the most instruments that use a TCXO time-base. common vector modulation schemes: ASK, QPSK, DQPSK, /4 DQPSK, 8PSK, FSK, CPM, QAM (4 to 256), 8VSB, and 16VSB. It also includes Key features built-in support for all the standard pulse shaping filters used in digital Analog and vector/digital signal generation capabilities communications: raised cosine, root-raised cosine, Gaussian, rectangular, triangular, and more. Lastly, it provides direct support for the controlled Dual baseband ARB generators injection of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) into the signal path. Analog modulation standard Soft key upgrade to vector/digital modulation at very low cost Digital modulation applications for GSM, EDGE, W-CDMA, APCO-25, DECT, NADC, PDC, and TETRA USB, GPIB, RS-232, and LAN interfaces 12 pounds (5.6 kg) 2U high and half standard rack width www.tektronix.com 1TSG4100A Series RF Vector Signal Generator Internal baseband generators Power vs. frequency Using a novel architecture for I/Q modulation, the TSG4100A Series All TSG4100A Series models have cascaded stages of amplifiers and provides quick, user-friendly waveform generation. The baseband digital attenuators to drive the RF output. Five stages can provide up to generator supports the playback of pure digital data. It automatically maps +25 dB of gain to -130 dB of attenuation in 156 digitally controlled steps. digital symbols into a selected I/Q constellation at symbol rates of up to During factory calibration, the output power is measured at 32 frequencies 6 MHz and passes the result through the selected pulse shaping filter to per octave for each of the 156 attenuator steps to populate a memory generate a final waveform updated in real time at 125 MHz. This baseband matrix with about 40,000 elements. When set to a particular frequency and signal is then modulated onto an RF carrier using standard IQ modulation power, the instrument interpolates between these matrix elements to techniques. determine the best attenuator setting. An analog attenuator is used to provide 0.01 dB resolution between matrix elements and to compensate for Digital communications protocols (GSM, GSM EDGE, W-CDMA, APCO-25, residual thermal effects. DECT, NADC, PDC, and TETRA) quickly configure the signal generator to the correct modulation type, symbol data rates, TDMA duty cycles, and digital waveform filters. The preset protocols also configure the rear-panel OCXO time-base TDMA, START of FRAME, and SYMBOL CLOCK digital outputs. The These instruments offer an oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) time- baseband generators can be configured for these protocols without the use base. The time-base uses a third-overtone stress-compensated 10 MHz of external computers or third party software. resonator in a thermostatically controlled oven. The time-base provides The I/Q waveforms are computed in real time. Symbols are mapped to very low phase noise and very low aging. constellations, digitally filtered, and up-sampled to 125 Msps to drive the I/ Q modulator via dual 14-bit DACs. The symbols can be a fixed pattern, PRBS data from an internal source, or come from a downloaded user list of Easy remote communications up to 16 Mbits. Remote operation is supported with RS-232, LAN, and GPIB interfaces. All The constellation mapping can be modified by the user. Digital filters instrument functions can be controlled and read over any of the interfaces. include raised cosine, root raised cosine, Gaussian, rectangular, linear, Up to nine instrument configurations can be saved in non-volatile memory. sinc, and user-defined FIR. External IQ modulation The rear-panel BNC I/Q modulation inputs and outputs enable arbitrary vector modulation via an external source. The external signal path supports maximally 400 MHz of RF bandwidth with a full scale range of 0.5 V and a 50 input impedance. 2 www.tektronix.com

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