ZS Series High Impedance Active Probes
1 GHz - 4 GHz Probes
Key Features
High signal fidelity to 4 GHz
The ZS Series probes are high impedance, low capacitance active
Low circuit loading High input
impedance and low capacitance
probes that maintain high signal fidelity through 4 GHz. A small form
4 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 1.5 GHz and factor and a wide variety of accessories ensures the ZS probe meets
1 GHz models
every difficult probing challenge.
1 M input resistance
High Impedance Reduces A Variety of Probe Tips for
0.6 pF (4 GHz) and 0.9 pF input
Circuit Loading across Full Varied Tasks
Oscilloscope Bandwidth
The small form factor and extensive
8 V input dynamic range,
Engineers must commonly probe
range of standard probe tips ensures
12 V offset range
high frequency signals with high
that this probe can meet any difficult
Wide variety of tips and grounds
signal fidelity. Typical passive probes
probing challenge. Various flexible
with high input R and C provide good
Easy to use, integrated with leads and clips, such as right-angle
response at lower frequencies but
leads, Y-adapters, and micro-grabbers,
inappropriately load the circuit and
are also available for probing test
distort signals at higher frequencies.
points that are spaced farther apart.
The ZS Series features both high
Innovative Grounding Provides
input R (1 M) and low input C (0.6 pF
the Highest Signal Fidelity
and 0.9 pF) to reduce circuit Loading
Keeping the ground loop short is
across the entire probe/oscilloscope
critical to eliminating the effect of
bandwidth. The ZS1000 is ideal
high inductance on the signal. The
for 200600 MHz oscilloscopes.
ZS probes provide a wide variety of
The ZS1500 is ideal for 1 GHz
unique and innovative accessories
oscilloscopes, the ZS2500 is ideal
which maintain the highest signal
for 2 GHz oscilloscopes, and the
fidelity. They eliminate the effects of
ZS4000 is ideal for 2.5 GHz and
the loop on the circuit.
Use the Solder-In Ground with Straight Tip for general
The Straight Tip and Offset Ground Lead can be used
purpose browsing.
together for probing signal and ground points extremely
close together.
Hard-to-reach spaces can be be probed with the Bent Sharp Probe directly on surface mount components, like resistors
Tip and can be used with a range of ground leads like the or capacitors, with the Discrete SMD Tip. Use this tip with any
flexible Short Right-Angle Lead shown here. of the ground leads, like the flexible Long Right-Angle Lead
shown here.
The 2.54 mm probe adapter provides full BW probing and holds
The Ground Blade and Copper Pad provide the shortest
the probe in place.
ground loop for excellent signal fidelity when probing an IC.
Use them with the insulated IC Lead Tip to prevent shorting
between test points.