FLIR CM78 1000A Clamp Meter with IR Thermometer The FLIR CM78 is a True RMS Industrial Grade 1000A Clamp Meter for the electrician who needs a safe, capable combination tool. Integrated IR Thermometer provides fast non-contact measurements on panels, conduits, and motors Powerful Worklights not only assist with clamping but are bright enough to serve as a primary worklight FLIR Tools Mobile connects the FLIR CM78 to your compatible smar tphones and tablets via Bluetooth* METERLiNK technology wirelessly integrates electrical readings on your infrared image with METERLiNK-enabled FLIR Thermal Cameras Features: Voltage and Current, Min, Max, Average, Auto Power Of f, Data Hold, Relative, Peak Hold, Batter y Status Indicator, Bright White LED Backlight Includes: 6 AAA Batteries, User Manual/CD, CAT IV Silicon Test Leads and Limited Lifetime Warranty TECHNICAL SUMMARY MAX RANGE BASIC ACCURACY AC/DC Current 1000A 2.5% AC/DC Voltage 1000V 1.5% Resistance 40.00M 1.5% Capacitance 4.000mF 3% GENERAL INFORMATION Frequency 4000Hz 1.5% Bluetooth Range Max 32ft (10m) Temperature (IR) -20 to 518F, -20 to 270C 2% Jaw Opening 1.7in (42mm, 1500MCM) IR Distance to Target Ratio 8 inches away : 1 inch spot size Category Rating CAT IV-600V, CAT III-1000V Type K Temperature -4 to 1400F, -20 to 760C 3% (optional probe) Warranty Limited Lifetime* * See w w w.ifl es t f or la t es t compa t ibili t y inf or ma t ion and mor e war r an t y de t ails Ordering Information CM78 ........................... 1000A True RMS Clamp Meter + IR Thermometer CM78-NIST .................... CM78 w i t h Cer t icfi at e of Traceabili t y t o NIST TA80 ............................. CAT IV Silicon Tes t Leads N A S HU A P O R T L A ND CANADA M E X I C O/ L AT IN A M E R I C A C or p or a t e He a d q u a r t er s F L IR S y s t e m s, I n c. F L IR S y s t e m s, I n c. F L IR S y s t e m s, L t d. F L IR S y s t e m s B r a s i l PH: +1 603-324-7600 PH: +1 866.477.3687 PH: +1 800.613.0507 Av. A n t o n i o B a r d e l l a PH: +55 15 3238 8070 w w w.fl ir.c om/t e s t E q u i p m e n t d e s c r i b e d h e r e i n m a y r e q u i r e U S G o v e r n m e n t a u t h o r i z a t i o n f o r e x p o r t p u r p o s e s . D i v e r s i o n c o n t r a r y t o U S l a w i s p r o h i b i t e d. I m a g e r y u s e d f o r i l l u s t r a t i o n p u r p o s e s o n l y. S p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e. 2 013 F L I R S y s t e m s, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d. 3723 ( R e v. 0 9/13) N A S D A Q : F L IRX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Clamp Multimeters & Accessories category: Click to view products by Teledyne FLIR / Extech manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : I800 MT-8006B 3PK-NT023N MT-7057N TESTO 770-3 0590 7703 AX-3550 AX-M266C BM079 BM089 BM162 BM197 KEW2210R FLUKE 80I-110S FLUKE A3002FC FLUKE I200 FLUKE I310S TESTO 770-2 0590 7702 KEW2433R KEW8112 FLUKE 772 ACDC- 100 MA440 MA443 MA445 FLUKE-374 FC FLUKE-1630-2FC CM42 FLUKE-376 FC A193 (800 MM) F201 F205 F65 DIGIFLEX 4000A 350MM DIGIFLEX 400A 170MM DIGIFLEX 400A 250MM MN93A FLUKE I6000SFLEX-24 KEW2010 P1670 FLK-A3004FC AMP-330-EUR APPA SFLEX-18D UT200A UT201 UT205 UT205A UT206 UT206A UT210A UT210B