FLIR CM83 600A True RMS Power Clamp The FLIR CM83 is an industrial-grade Power Clamp Meter engineered with advanced power analysis and VFD filtering functions required by electrical troubleshooters. VFD Mode provides superior accuracy for working on VFD-controlled equipment Advanced power ef ficiency and harmonics measurements for system level performance analysis Power ful Worklights not only assist with clamping but are bright enough to ser ve as a primar y worklight FLIR Tools Mobile connects the FLIR CM83 to your compatible smartphone and tablet via Bluetooth* METERLiNK technology wirelessly integrates electrical readings on your infrared image with METERLiNK-enabled FLIR Thermal Cameras Features: Voltage and Current, Bright White LED Backlight, Analog Bargraph, Power Factor, Phase Rotation, Integrated Non Contact Voltage Detector, Min, Max, Average, Auto Power Of f, Data Hold, Relative, Peak Hold, DCA Zero, Batter y Status Includes: 6 AAA Batteries, User Manual/CD, CAT IV Silicon Test Leads and Limited Lifetime Warranty TECHNICAL SUMMARY RANGE BASIC ACCURACY AC/DC Current 600A 2% AC/DC Voltage 1000V 1% / 0.7% Harmonics 1st-25th Order 5% Total Harmonic Distor tion 0.0 to 99.9% 3% 600ACA Inrush Current 3 % (Integration T ime 100ms) 10kW to 600kW Active Power 3% (10V, 5A min) Diode Test 0.4 to 0.8V 0.1V GENERAL INFORMATION Capacitance 3.999mF Max 1.9% Jaw Opening 1.45in (37mm, 1000MCM) Resistance 99.99k Max 1% Category Rating CAT IV-600V, CAT III-1000V Continuity Threshold 30 1% Bluetooth Range Max 32ft (10m) Frequency 20.00Hz to 9.999kHz 0.5% Warranty Limited Lifetime* * See www.ifl for latest compatibility information and more warranty details Ordering Information CM83 ........................... 600A True RMS AC/DC Power Clamp CM83-NIST ....................CM83 w i t h Cer t icfi at e of Traceabili t y t o NIST TA80 ............................. CAT IV Silicon Test Leads N A S HU A P O R T L A ND C A N A DA M E X I C O/ L AT IN A M E R I C A C or p or a t e He a d q u a r t er s F L IR S y s t e m s, I n c. F L IR S y s t e m s, I n c. F L IR S y s t e m s, L t d. FLIR Systems Brasil P H: +1 6 0 3 - 324 -76 0 0 P H: +1 866.477.3687 P H: +1 8 0 0.613.0 5 0 7 Av. Antonio Bardella P H: +55 15 3238 8 0 7 0 w w w.fl ir.c om/t e s t E q u i p m e n t d e s c r i b e d h e r e i n m a y r e q u i r e U S G o v e r n m e n t a u t h o r i z a t i o n f o r e x p o r t p u r p o s e s . D i v e r s i o n c o n t r a r y t o U S l a w i s p r o h i b i t e d. I m a g e r y u s e d f o r i l l u s t r a t i o n p u r p o s e s o n l y. S p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e. 2 013 F L I R S y s t e m s, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d. 3723 ( R e v. 0 9/13) N A S D A Q : F L IRX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Clamp Multimeters & Accessories category: Click to view products by Teledyne FLIR / Extech manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : I800 MT-8006B 3PK-NT023N MT-7057N TESTO 770-3 0590 7703 AX-3550 AX-M266C BM079 BM089 BM162 BM197 KEW2210R FLUKE 80I-110S FLUKE A3002FC FLUKE I200 FLUKE I310S KEW2433R KEW8112 FLUKE 772 ACDC-100 MA440 MA443 MA445 FLUKE-374 FC FLUKE-1630-2FC CM42 FLUKE-376 FC A193 (800 MM) F201 F205 F65 DIGIFLEX 4000A 350MM DIGIFLEX 400A 170MM DIGIFLEX 400A 250MM MN93A FLUKE I6000SFLEX-24 KEW2010 P1670 FLK-A3004FC AMP-330-EUR APPA SFLEX-18D UT200A UT201 UT205 UT205A UT206 UT206A UT210A UT210B UT213A