TeraRanger Hub Evo is a c ompact and lightweight (13g) board that enables you to connectupto8Evosensors(Evo60m,Evo3m,Evo600Hz)andstreamd istancedatain millimetersvia USBorUARTinterfaces. Readingsfromeachsensorcanbesynchronized to avoidcross-talk makingitsupereasytosetupplugandplay sensorarrays I tisthe ideal solution for selectivepointcloudcreation andrapidprototypingo fmulti-sensor configurations.Inaddition,an onboardInertialMeasurementUnit(IMU)providesdataon the hubs spatial orientation. Hub Evo comes with a UART board - a clip-on accessory thatenablesuserstostream distancereadingsviaUARTinterface.TheUARTboardalsoprovidesaninterfacetocontrol an intelligent multi-colored LED light source when navigating close to hazards. A GraphicalUserInterface(GUI)isavailablefordownloadandprovideseasyvisualization ofsensorreadingsonPCfordemonstrationsandtestingpurposes.D riversforROS(Robot Operating System) are also available, adding to the plug and play convenience Justsomeofthemanyu secasesfortheHubEvoinclude:robotnavigationandcollision avoidance pointcloudgeneration presence,proximityandpositiondetection objectand people counting speed and velocity sensing. Copyright Terabee 2019 Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre 01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN) Technical Specifications TeraRanger Hub Evo UART board (accessory) Dimensions: 51mm x 36mm x 9mm (H) 55mm x 9.2mm (H) Weight: 13g 7g Mounting: 2 x M3 holes 2 x M3 holes Supply voltage: 12V DC recommended Powered by Hub Evo 25mA (plus consumption of each Supply current: Powered by Hub Evo TeraRanger Evo sensor) UART, +3,3V level,921600,8,N,1 Interfaces: USB 2.0 Micro-B WS2812B LED serial control output Micro USB 6pin Hirose DF13 Connectors: 4pin Hirose DF13 Proprietary extension connector Onboard IMU: Bosch BN055 - 50Hz 100Hz 250Hz 500Hz 600Hz 50Hz 100Hz 250Hz 500Hz 600Hz Update Rate modes: ASAP ASAP Embedded Processing ARM Cortex-M7 32-bit RISC core - Unit: Compatible with: Evo 60m, Evo 3m, Evo 600Hz TeraRanger Hub Evo In the box TeraRanger Hub Evo UART board Micro-USB cable (50cm) UART cable: DF13 6pin to open ended cable (22cm) Power cable with open ends (10cm) M3 screws x 2pcs M3, 3mm spacers x 2pcs M3 nuts x 2pcs Copyright T erabee 2019 Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre 01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)