The AM3358BZCZA100 is a microprocessor unit (MPU) from Texas Instruments. It is an ARM Cortex-A8 MPU that is based on an 32-bit RISC architecture. It can operate at a maximum frequency of 1GHz and increase up to 1.3GHz with the OverDrive technology. Furthermore, it has 256KB of single-cycle L1 cache with 24KB instruction cache and 232KB data cache. This MPU utilizes 32-bit DDR3 and LPDDR2/3 memories. This MPU also has an integrated image accelerator and an integrated floating-point unit. Additionally, it is equipped with a variety of system peripherals for interacting with the external environment. These include an LCD controller, an ultra-low-power Real-Time Clock (RTC), a temperature sensor, and two serial interfaces (e.g. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, I2C, SPI) as well as several additional functions. Therefore, this device is ideal for embedded applications that require high performance and low power consumption.