The OPA277UA/2K5 is a high performance, low noise, single-supply operational amplifier manufactured by Texas Instruments. This device is designed for precision operation (with a ±100 ppm/°C gain bandwidth product temperature drift and 0.2 Umax output noise voltage) from a single 5 V power supply. Its low input offset voltage (4 µV maximum) and high common mode rejection ratio (90 dB at 10 kHz) make this device ideal for signal conditioning and high-precision instrumentation applications, such as transducer amplifiers, filtering, differencing, and other computationally and analytically intensive systems. The OPA277UA/2K5 features a wide common mode input voltage range, a fast settling time, and a low-distortion output waveform. Its high-voltage gain bandwidth product of 140 MHz makes it suitable for wideband applications, such as video amplifiers, as well as high frequency signal conditioning. Its small SOP-8 package is also ideal for space-constrained systems.