The SN74LS04N is a logic gate from Texas Instruments. It is an integrated circuit (IC) designed to be used in digital circuits. It contains six independent inverters, each of which operates as a logic gate with two inputs, a logic HIGH or a logic LOW and an output. The output is logic HIGH when both inputs are the same, or logic LOW when the inputs are different. SN74LS04N is a critical part of computing or digital electronic models. It is commonly used as a dual rail inverter, which is used to convert logic high levels on one rail to logic low levels on a second rail, and vice versa. It is also used as an oscillator, to produce oscillations in a circuit, and as a buffer, or an amplifier, to drive loads, or to provide current gain. Finally, SN74LS04N is used as a flip-flop in memory circuits, to store data.