The TL074CN is a low-noise and high-speed quad operational amplifier (Op Amp) with JFET inputs manufactured by Texas Instruments. This part is used for filtering, buffering, or other voltage-control applications in a large variety of systems and circuits. It is specifically designed to have low input bias currents, low noise, very good input offset voltage stability, wide bandwidth, and a fast slew rate. The TL074CN requires only a single external power supply and can deliver output currents of up to 50mA. It is also temperature stable and operates well at temperatures between 0°C to 70°C. The TL074CN uses dual complementary JFET differential input stages which minimize the influence of the input bias currents. Its economic design makes it an ideal choice for applications such as audio amplifiers, oscillators, signal processing, active filters, instrumentation systems, sample-and-hold circuits, and more.