The TL084CN is a quad operational amplifier (Op Amp) with four independent high gain internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers. It features very low input offset voltage, low input bias current, high input impedance, and low input noise current. Each of the amplifiers of the TL084CN is constructed using JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) input and bi-polar output transistors to provide high input impedance, low input offset voltage, and low input bias currents over a wide temperature range. The TL084CN is designed using a proprietary silicon gate CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology with a very low drift in order to achieve high accuracy and stability. It can work over a wide power supply range of 11 volts to 32 volts and requires very low quiescent current. The TL084CN is used in audio pre-amplifiers, power management, audio signal processing, transducer amplifiers, and other signal conditioning applications.