XC6190 Series ETR02031-003 Push Button Reboot Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC6190 series are timer reset ICs that supply a reboot signal to the system when L voltage is input into the SW1, SW2 pins for a set time (reboot delay time) using two switches (physical buttons). On type A, the reboot delay time (TDL) can be set as desired by changing the external resistance RT within the range 1s to 20s. On type B, TDL is fixed internally. When the TS pin is set to H level, the delay time is 12.5s. When the TS pin is set to L level, the delay time is 7.5s. After the reboot signal (TRSTB) is output for 0.4s (TYP), the IC automatically returns to the steady state. Quiescent current in standby mode is a very small 0.01A (TYP.), and this contributes to a longer battery drive time. The small USPN-6 and USPN-6B01 packages enable reduction of mounting space. The UVLO function is equipped as a protective function to prevent malfunctioning of the IC. FEATURES APPLICATIONS Input Voltage Range : 1.75V ~ 6.0V Wearable Devices Low power Consumption : 0.01A (Stand-by, TYP.) Portable Music Players Output Configuration : Nch open drain (XC6190AN/BN) CMOS output (XC6190AC/BC) Portable Video Game Players RSTB Pin SINK Current : 30mA (V =0.3V.) RSTBL Wireless Headsets Reboot Delay Time (Type A) : 1s ~ 20s (Adjustable by the external resistor) Mobile Communication Devices *12.5s 5% (R =200k ) T Reboot Delay Time (Type B) : 7.5s 5% (TS=GND) Smart Phones, Feature Phones 12.5s 5% (TS=V ) IN Various applications equipped with buttons Reboot Time : 0.4s5% Operating Ambient Temperature : -40 ~ +85 Package : USPN-6, USPN-6B01 Environmentally Friendly : RoHS Compliant, Pb Free TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT Other Other R RPUL PUL V VIN IN L L SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 MPU/CPU MPU/CPU XC6190AN15xx XC6190BN15xx Battery RSTB RESETB Battery RSTB RESETB SW2 SW2 Button1 Button1 RT TS V VSS SS Button2 Button2 R T A type: Two-Button Solution B type: Two-Button Solution *1) On the XC6190AN15xx, XC6190BN25xx, connect a capacitor of at least 0.01 F between V -GND near the IC as needed. IN *2) On the XC6190AC15xx, XC6190BC25xx, connect a capacitor of at least 0.01 F between V -GND near the IC. IN (Note) The following products are under development. XC6190AC158R-G 1/21 XC6190 Series BLOCK DIAGRAM 1) XC6190AN15xx * The above diodes are electrostatic protection diodes and parasitic diodes. 2) XC6190AC15xx * The above diodes are electrostatic protection diodes and parasitic diodes. (Note) The following products are under development. XC6190AC158R-G 2/21