TTrraannsscceenndd 4400--PPiinn IIDDEE FFllaasshh MMoodduullee Transcend 40-Pin IDE Flash Module TS2G ~ 16GPTM510-40V TS2G ~ 16GPTM510-40V TS2G ~ 16GPTM510-40V FFFFeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeessss DDDDeeeessssccccrrrriiiippppttttiiiioooonnnn RoHS compliant With an IDE interface and strong data retention ability, 40-Pin IDE Flash Modules are ideal for use in the Dual power input : either pin 20 or external power cable harsh environments where Industrial PCs, Set-Top Built-in 13/24-bit ECC (Error Correction Code) functionality Boxes, etc. are used. and wear-leveling - 13bit BCH ECC (2k+64 / 4k+128 byte per page flash) PPPPllllaaaacccceeeemmmmeeeennnntttt - 24 bit BCH ECC (4k+208 / 8k+436 byte per page flash) Support global wear-leveling algorithm which ensures maximum lifespan. Supports Ultra DMA Mode 0 to 5 Multiword DMA mode 0 to 2 PIO Mode 0 to 4 Supports Security Commands Support S.M.A.R.T function (self-definition) Support Host Protected Area Durability of Connector: 100 cycles o MTBF: 1,000,000 hours (in 25 C) DDiimmeennssiioonnss DDiimmeennssiioonnss Side Millimeters Inches A 61.00 0.4 2.402 0.016 B 27.1 0.55 1.067 0.020 C* 7.1 0.2 0.280 0.008 1 Transcend Information Inc. Ver 1.0 TTrraannsscceenndd 4400--PPiinn IIDDEE FFllaasshh MMoodduullee Transcend 40-Pin IDE Flash Module TS2G ~ 16GPTM510-40V TS2G ~ 16GPTM510-40V TS2G ~ 16GPTM510-40V IIIInnnnppppuuuutttt PPPPoooowwwweeeerrrr PPPPiiiinnnn AAAAssssssssiiiiggggnnnnmmmmeeeennnnttttssss The 40-Pin IDE Flash Module offers 2 ways to get Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name input power, either via the small power cord or through 01 -RESET 11 HD3 21 DMARQ 31 IREQ Pin 20 of the IDE connector. If Pin 20 of the IDE 02 GND 12 HD12 22 GND 32 IOIS16B connector is defined as NC (No Connect), then the 03 HD7 13 HD2 23 IOWB 33 HA1 40-Pin IDE Flash Module must be directly connected 04 HD8 14 HD13 24 GND 34 PDIAGB to your systems power supply. If Pin 20 of the IDE 05 HD6 15 HD1 25 IORB 35 HA0 06 HD9 16 HD14 26 GND 36 HA2 connector is defined as VCC, then the 40-Pin IDE 07 HD5 17 HD0 27 IORDY 37 CE1B Flash Module can get necessary power without use of 08 HD10 18 HD15 28 NC 38 CE2B the power cord. 09 HD4 19 GND 29 -DMACK 39 DASPB 10 HD11 20 VCC 30 GND 40 GND PPiinn DDeeffiinniittiioonn PPPPiiiinnnn LLLLaaaayyyyoooouuuutttt PPiinn DDeeffiinniittiioonn Symbol Function Bulge Pin1 Pin39 HD0 ~ HD15 Data Bus (Bi-directional) HA0 ~ HA2 Address Bus (Input) -RESET Device Reset (Input) IORB Device I/O Read (Input) IOWB Device I/O Write (Input) IOIS16B Transfer Type 8/16 bit (Output) CE1B, CE2B Chip Select (Input) PDIAGB Pass Diagnostic (Bi-directional) Pin2 Pin40 Disk Active/Slave Present DASPB (Bi-directional) DMA request DMARQ DMACK- DMA acknowledge IREQ Interrupt Request (Output) NC No Connection GND Ground VCC Vcc Power Input 2 Transcend Information Inc. Ver 1.0