UUUllltttrrraaa---HHHiiiggghhh VVVaaallluuueee WWWelwynelwynelwyn ComponentsComponentsComponents PPPrrreeeccciiisssiiiooonnn RRReeesssiiissstttooorrrsss Resistors Ultra-High Value Resistors Welwyn Components Precision Resistors Ultra-High Value 333888111000 SSSeeerrriiieeesss Ultra-High Value Precision Resistors RRReeesssiiissstttaaannnccceee rrraaannngggeee uuuppp tttooo 111000000 TTT ooohhhmmmsss Precision Resistors 111444 3810 Series (((111000 ooohhhmmmsss))) RDesignedDesignedDesignedesistanc eforforfor ra lowlowlownge curcurcur uprrrententent to 1(picoampe(picoampe(picoampe00 T ohmrrreees level)level)level) 3810 Series 3810 Series 14 (10 ohms) measumeasumeasurrrementsementsements 14 14 Resistance range up to 100 T ohms (10 ohms) Resistance range up to 100 T ohms (10 ohms) Designed for low current (picoampere level) LowLowLow voltagevoltagevoltage coecoecoefffficientficientficient Designed for low current (picoampere level) measurements measuDesigned frementsor low current (picoampere level) measurements HermeticallyHermeticallyHermetically sealedsealedsealed Low voltage Low voltage coefficient Low voltage coefficient sealed LeakageLeakageLeakage curcurcurrrrententent minimisedminimisedminimised bybyby hermetichermetichermetic Hermetically sealed Hermetically sealed Leakage current minimised by sealing and guard ring sealingsealingsealing andandand guaguaguarrrddd ringringring Leakage current minimised by hermetic sealing and guard ring Leakage current minimised by hermetic sealing and guard ring All parts are Pb-free and comply with EU 2011/65/EU (RoHS2) AllAll partsparts araree Pb-Pb-frfreeee andand ccomplyomply withwith EUEU DirDirectivectivee 2011/65/EU2011/65/EU amendedamended bbyy (EU)(EU) 2015/8632015/863 (R(RoHS3)oHS3) EEEllleeeccctttrrriiicccaaalll DDDaaatttaaa Electrical Data 333888111000 333888111111 333888111222 RRReeesssiiissstttaaannnccceee rrraaannngggeee ooohhhmmmsss 111000000MMM tttooo 111TTT 111000000MMM tttooo 111TTT 111TTT tttooo 111000000TTT 3810 3811 3812 RLLLeiiismmmisiiittttaiiinnnncggge eeerlllaeeenmmmgeeeennnttt vvvooollltttaaagggeee ohms vvvooollltttsss 100M to 1T555000000 100M to 1T 111000000000 1T to 100T 111000000000 Limiting element voltage volts 500 1000 1000 TTTCCCRRR (((222000 CCC tttooo 777000 CCC))) ppppppmmm/// CCC ---555000000 tttooo ---333555000000 TCR (20 C to 70 C) ppm/ C -500 to -3500 RRReeesssiiissstttaaannnccceee tttooollleeerrraaannnccceee %%% 111000,,, 222000 111,,, 222,,, 555,,, 111000 1T1T1T tttooo101010TTT 2,2,2, 555,,,111000 >10>10>10TTT 555,,,101010 Resistance tolerance % 10, 20 1, 2, 5, 10 1T to10T 2, 5,10 >10T 5,10 VVValuesaluesalues E24E24E24 ppprrreferefereferrrrededed Values E24 preferred AAAmmmbbbiiieeennnttt ttteeemmmpppeeerrraaatttuuurrreee rrraaannngggeee CCC ---444000 tttooo 111000000 Ambient temperature range C -40 to 100 PPPhhhyyysssiiicccaaalll DDDaaatttaaa Physical Data DimensionsDimensionsDimensions (mm)(mm)(mm) &&& WWWeighteighteight (g)(g)(g) Dimensions (mm) & Weight (g) PCPCPCBBB Min.Min.Min. PCB Min. TTTTypypypypeeee L maLLL mamamax xxx D maDDD mamamax xxx f minfff mimiminnnd nomddd nomnomnommountingmountingmountingmountingBend BenBenBenWt.ddd nomWt.Wt.Wt. nomnomnom Centres Radius CentCentCentrrreeesss RadiusRadiusRadius d ddd D 3810 25.0 6 30 0.6 29.2 0.6 1.5 DDD 381038103810 666 333000 L f LLL fff 3811 42.9 6 30 0.6 47.1 0.6 2.2 381138113811 666 333000 3812 48.0 6 30 0.6 52.2 0.6 2.5 381238123812 666 333000 Construction Marking ConstructionConstructionConstruction MarkingMarkingMarking The Cermetox resistive film is fired onto high quality ceramic The serial number, resistance value and tolerance code are legend TheTheThe CermetoxCermetoxCermetox rrresistiveesistiveesistive filmfilmfilm isisis fififirrrededed ontoontoonto highhighhigh qualityqualityquality ceramicceramicceramic TTThhheee ssseeerrriiiaaalll nnnuuummmbbbeeerrr,,, rrreeesssiiissstttaaannnccceee vvvaaallluuueee aaannnddd tttooollleeerrraaannnccceee cccooodddeee aaarrreee llleeegggeeennnddd substrate brass end caps are forced fitted to the substrate marked. The resistance value marking conforms to IEC 62. substrate substrate substrate brassbrassbrass endendend capscapscaps aaarrreee fofoforrrcedcedced fittedfittedfitted tototo thethethe substratesubstratesubstrate mmmaaarrrkkkeeeddd... TTThhheee rrreeesssiiissstttaaannnccceee vvvaaallluuueee mmmaaarrrkkkiiinnnggg cccooonnnfffooorrrmmmsss tttooo IIIEEECCC 666222... which is then adjusted to value with a helical cut in the film thewhichwhichwhich leads isisis athenthenthenre mechanically adjustedadjustedadjusted tototo locked valuevaluevalue into withwithwith the aaa endhelicalhelicalhelical caps cutcutcut and ininin the thethethe film film film Solvent Resistance assembly sealed into the glass envelope. All close tolerance The glass envelope is coated with silicone and should not be thethethe leadsleadsleads aaarrreee mechanicallymechanicallymechanically lockedlockedlocked intointointo thethethe endendend capscapscaps andandand thethethe SolventSolventSolvent ResistanceResistanceResistance units utilise two resistors connected in series within the glass subjected to solvents or their vapours. (See Application assemblyassemblyassembly sealedsealedsealed intointointo thethethe glassglassglass envelope.envelope.envelope. AllAllAll closecloseclose tolerancetolerancetolerance TheTheThe glassglassglass envelopeenvelopeenvelope isisis coatedcoatedcoated withwithwith siliconesiliconesilicone andandand shouldshouldshould notnotnot bebebe envelope. A conductive band is applied to the glass for values Notes.) unitsunitsunits utiliseutiliseutilise twotwotwo rrresistorsesistorsesistors connectedconnectedconnected ininin seriesseriesseries withinwithinwithin thethethe glassglassglass subjectedsubjectedsubjected tototo solventssolventssolvents ororor theirtheirtheir vapours.vapours.vapours. (See(See(See ApplicationApplicationApplication of 100G and above - see Guard Band for details. envelope.envelope.envelope. TheTheThe guaguaguarrrddd bandbandband isisis described,described,described, withwithwith applicationapplicationapplication Notes.)Notes.)Notes.) notes,notes,notes, ininin aaa PPPrrroductoductoduct InformationInformationInformation sheet,sheet,sheet, availableavailableavailable ononon rrrequest.equest.equest. Terminations Material Solder-coated Dumet wire. TTTerminationserminationserminations StMaterialMaterialMaterialrength TheSoldeSoldeSolde terminationsrrr-coated-coated-coated meetDumetDumetDumet the wiwiwi requirrre.e.e. rements of IEC 68.2.21 StStStrrrengthengthength TheTheThe terminationsterminationsterminations meetmeetmeet thethethe rrrequiequiequirrrementsementsements ofofof Solderability The terminations meet the requirements of IECIECIEC 68.2.2168.2.2168.2.21 IEC 115-1, Clause SolderabilitySolderabilitySolderability TheTheThe terminationsterminationsterminations meetmeetmeet thethethe rrrequiequiequirrrementsementsements ofofof General Note General Note IECIECIEC 115-1,115-1,115-1, ClauseClauseClause Welwyn Components reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. BI Technologies IRC Welwyn A subsidiary of GenerAll informational Note is subject to Welwyns own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. BI Technologies IRC Welwyn All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT electronics plc TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. GeneralGeneralGeneral NoteNoteNote www.ttelectronicsresistors.com Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. WWWelwynelwynelwyn ComponentsComponentsComponents rrreserveseserveseserves thethethe rightrightright tototo makemakemake changeschangeschanges ininin ppprrroductoductoduct specificationspecificationspecification withoutwithoutwithout noticenoticenotice ororor liabilitliabilitliabilityyy . Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 822181 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 Email: info welwyn-tt.com Website: www.welwyn-tt.com Issue D 03.06 www.ttelectronics.com/resistors TT Electronics plc AllAllAll informationinformationinformation isisis subjectsubjectsubject tototo WWWelwynelwynelwynsss ownownown datadatadata andandand isisis consideconsideconsiderrrededed accurateaccurateaccurate atatat timetimetime ofofof goinggoinggoing tototo print.print.print. AAA subsidiarysubsidiarysubsidiary of of of 07.16 TT Electronics plc TTTTTT electelectelectrrronicsonicsonics plcplcplc 203 WWWelwynelwynelwyn ComponentsComponentsComponents LimitedLimitedLimited Bedlington,Bedlington,Bedlington, NorthumberlandNorthumberlandNorthumberland NE22NE22NE22 7AA,7AA,7AA, UKUKUK 03.21UltrUltra-High a-High VValuealue Precision Resistors Ultra-High Value Precision Resistors Precision Resistors 3810 Series3810 Series Welwyn Components 3810 Series Performance Data Maximum Typical Load at rated voltage: 1000 hours at 20C R% 2 1 Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature R% 1 0.5 Resistance to solder heat R% 0.2 <0.1 3810 pF 0.4 Capacitance 3811 pF 0.2 Voltage coefficient of resistance ppm/volt 100M 1T 100T Measured at voltages 3810 -20 -160 of 100 and 500 volts 3811 -10 -80 3812 -10 -80 -150 Application Notes Each resistor is packed with a card stating nominal resistance Guard Band value at 100 V applied, selection tolerance, date and serial For details of how to use the guard band, fitted to resistors of number. 100 G ohms and over, see