8041 is an integrated circuit (IC) from TT Electronics. It is a microcontroller that is built on an 8-bit processor architecture, making it one of the most popular 8-bit microcontrollers on the market. It provides a wide range of features that enable users to have more control over their products and designs. It is a single-chip device that is suitable for a variety of applications, including robotics, home automation, and industrial applications. It is also well-suited for embedded and digital signal processing applications. The 8041 can be programmed using assembly language or a high-level language such as C, making it a great choice for both hobbyists and professionals alike. Key features include an 8-bit 8-bit data size, an internal CPU clock speed of up to 12MHz, and 16Kbytes of ROM program memory. Additionally, this microcontroller also supports a variety of peripherals, including timer/counters, serial communications, watchdog timers, and interrupt controllers.