Prod uct Bul le tin HCC240 Sep tem ber 1996 Sur face Mount Op ti cally Cou pled Iso la tor Types HCC240, HCC242, TX, TXV, ES A- XN o Fea tures Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (T = 25 C un less oth er wise noted) A (1) Surface mountable on ceramic or Input- to- Output Iso la tion Volt age . 1.0 kVDC o o printed circuit board Op er at ing Tem pera ture -55 C to +125 C o o Miniature package saves circuit board Stor age Tem pera ture -65 C to +150 C o area Sol der ing Tem pera ture (va por phase re flow for 30 sec.) . 215 C o Electrical performance similar to Sol der ing Tem pera ture (heated collet for 5 sec.) . 260 C 4N22A and 4N24A In put Di ode Hermetically sealed o For ward DC Cur rent (65 C be low) 40 mA Screened per MIL-PRF-19500 TX and Re verse Volt age 2.0 V TXV equivalent levels or per ESA (2) (6) Power Dis si pa tion . 60 mW 5000 Out put Pho to tran sis tor Con tinu ous Col lec tor Cur rent . 50 mA De scrip tion (3) Collector- Emitter Volt age 30 V (4) The HCC240 and HCC242 are optically Emitter- Collector Volt age . 5.0 V (5) coupled isolators, consisting of a gallium Power Dis si pa tion 300 mW aluminum arsenide LED and a silicon Notes: (1) Measured with inputs shorted together and outputs shorted together. phototransistor mounted and coupled in o o (2) Derate linearly 1.0 mW/ C above 65 C. a miniature surface mount hermetic (3) HCC240HV and HCC242HV are available rated at 55 V minimum. leadless chip carrier. The HCC240 and (4) HCC240HV and HCC242HV are available rated at 7.0 V minimim. o o HCC242 are identical except for the DC (5) Derate linearly 3.0 mW/ C above 25 C. (6) Some deviations from ESA 5000 apply. See page 13-4 for details. current transfer ratio. Electrical parameters are similar to the JEDEC registered 4N22A and 4N24A. These solid state couplers are ideal for designs where board space and device weight are important design considerations. Typical screening and lot acceptance tests are provided on page 13-4. The burn-in condition is V = 9 V, P = 275 CE D mW, I = 20-50 mA (adjusted to achieve F PD). No HTRB is performed on this device. Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396 15-28Types HCC240, HCC242, TX, TXV, ESA-XN o Elec tri cal Char ac ter is tics (T = 25 C un less oth er wise noted) A SYM BOL PA RAME TER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CON DI TIONS In put Di ode Forward Voltage 0.80 1.5 V I = 10.0 mA F o V 1.00 1.7 V I = 10.0 mA, T = -55 C F F A o 0.70 1.3 V I = 10.0 mA, T = 100 C F A I Reverse Current 100 V = 2.0 V R A R Out put Pho to tran sis tor (3) V Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage 30 V I = 1.0 mA, I = 0 (BR)CEO C F (4) V Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage (BR)ECO 5.0 V I = 100 A, I = 0 E F Collector-Emitter Dark Current 100 nA V = 20 V, I = 0 CE F IC(OFF) o V = 20 V, I = 0, T = 100 C 100 A CE F A Cou pled On-State Collector Current HCC240 0.15 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 2.0 mA CE F 2.5 6.0 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 10.0 mA CE F o 1.0 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 10.0 mA, T = -55 C CE F A o 1.0 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 10.0 mA, T = 100 C CE F A I C(ON) HCC242 0.40 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 2.0 mA CE F 10.0 15.0 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 10.0 mA CE F o 4.0 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 10.0 mA, T = -55 C CE F A o 4.0 mA V = 5.0 V, I = 10.0 mA, T = 100 C CE F A Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage HCC240 0.30 V I = 2.5 mA, I = 20.0 mA C F VCE(SAT) HCC242 0.30 V I = 10.0 mA, I = 20.0 mA C F 11 (1) R Resistance (Input to Output) 10 V = 1000 VDC I-O I-O (1) C Capacitance (Input to Output) 5.0 pF V = 0.0 V, f = 1.0 MHz I-O I-O Output Rise Time V = 10.0 V, I = 10.0 mA, R = 100 CC F L 15.0 s t HCC240 r 20.0 s HCC242 Output Fall Time V = 10.0 V, I = 10.0 mA, R = 100 CC F L 15.0 s t HCC240 f 20.0 s HCC242 Optek reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396 15-29