Sensing and Control High Voltage / High Speed Opto-Isolator OPI1268S Features: Cer ca ons: 20kVIsola on ULFile E58730 30kV/Sdv/dtimmunity VdeFile 40031798 2Mbit/stransferrate EN600790:2012/A11:2013 EN6007911:2012(IEC6007911:2011 t t 50nstypical PHL PLH Edi on6) Creepagepath:24mm IP65Rated TTLCompa ble ATEXCer ca onExiaIIcGa 6Axis/10G loadra ng RMS Descrip on: TheOPI1268Sisahighvoltageisolatorwitha digital output that is capable of high speed datatransmission.TheinputoftheOPI1268 consistsofahigheciencyGaAlAsLEDwitha peakwavelengthof850nm,whichisop cally coupledtotheoutputop calIC.Aphotologic deviceintheoutputICdetectstheincoming modulated light and converts it to a propor onatecurrent.Thiscurrentisfedinto a highgain linear amplier which is temperature, current and voltage compensated. The result is a highly stable digitaloutputwithanopencollectorinverter congura on.ThisdeviceproducesDCandAC voltageisola onbetweentheinputandoutput circuitrywhileprovidingTTLsignalintegrity. Applica ons: Transporta onSystems PCBoardPowerSystems HybridVehicleSystems MedicalSystems ControlSystems OrderingInforma on Isola on Lead LeadSpac Part LEDPeak Sensor Voltage t /t I (mA) V (V) Length ing PLH PHL F CE Number Wavelength Photologic (kV) Max(ns) Typ/Max Max (mm) (mm) OPI1268S 850nm OpenCollector 20 100 10/50 18 3.6 2.0 GeneralNote TTElectronicsreservestherighttomakechangesinproductspecica on 1645WallaceDrive,Carrollton,TX75006 Ph:+19723232200 withoutno ceorliability.Allinforma onissubjecttoTTElectronicsowndata www. andisconsideredaccurateat meofgoingtoprint. IssueG07/2015Page1 TTelectronicsplc Sensing and Control High Voltage / High Speed Opto-Isolator OPI1268S o AbsoluteMaximumRa ngs(T =25 Cunlessotherwisenoted) A StorageTemperature 50Cto+100C Opera ngTemperature 50Cto+100C (1)(2) InputtoOutputIsola onVoltage 20KVDC (3) LeadSolderingTemperature(1/16(1.6mm)fromcasefor5secondswithsolderingiron) 260C InputDiode Con nuousForwardCurrent 30mA PeakForwardcurrent(1spulsewidth,300pps) 3.0A ReverseVoltage 3.0V (1) PowerDissipa on 100mW OutputIC MaximumSupplyVoltage 7V (1) PowerDissipa on 40mW MaximumOutputVoltage 18V MaximumOutputCurrent 25mA ElectricalCharacteris cs(T =0Cto70Cunlessotherwisenoted) A SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TESTCONDITIONS InputDiode V ForwardVoltage 1.4 1.8 V I =20mA F F I ReverseCurrent 0.1 100 A V =2.0V R R OutputIC(V =4.5Vto5.25V)(SeeOPL550foraddi onalinforma onforreferenceonly.) CC I HighLevelOutputCurrent 0.20 25 A I =0.0mA,V =18.0V,Vcc=5.25V OH F OH V LowLevelOutputVoltage 0.35 0.55 V I =10.0mA,I =8.0mA,Vcc=4.5V OL F OL I HighLevelSupplyCurrent 5.5 7 I =0,Vcc=5.25V CCH F mA I LowLevelSupplyCurrent 7.5 10 I =10.0mA,Vcc=5.25V CCL F CoupledCharacteris cs(V =5V) CC C CouplingCapacitance 2 pF Inputandoutputleadsshorted. IO t Propaga onDelaytoLowOutputLevel 50 100 PLH ns SeeFigure1 t Propaga onDelaytoHighOutputLevel 50 100 PHL VISO= 7kVRMS I Isola onLeakageCurrent 1 A ISO (inputandoutputleadsshorted) I + LEDPosi veGoingThresholdCurrent 0.8 1.7 5.0 mA V =5V,I =8.0mA F CC OL dv/dt VoltageSpikeImmunity 30 kV/s Notes: (1) Deratelinearly1.33W/Cabove25C (2) ULregisteredunderE58730. (3) RMAuxisrecommended.Thedura oncanbeextendedto10secondsmaximumwhenowsoldering. GeneralNote TTElectronicsreservestherighttomakechangesinproductspecica on 1645WallaceDrive,Carrollton,TX75006 Ph:+19723232200 withoutno ceorliability.Allinforma onissubjecttoTTElectronicsowndata www. andisconsideredaccurateat meofgoingtoprint. IssueG07/2015Page2 TTelectronicsplc