Semi-Precision Power Resistors Wirewound Resistors Welwyn Components Semi-Precision Power PPW Series Wirewound Resistors Ideal for pulse and surge PPW Series applications 2 watts to 15 watts Ideal for pulse and surge applications Resistance to 0R1 ohms to 5K ohms 2 watts to 15 watts 3%, 2% or 1% tolerance Resistance to 0R1 ohms to 5K ohms 203%, ppm/C2% or 1% TCR tolerance 20 ppm/C TCR AllAll Pb-Pb-frfreeee partsparts ccomplyomply withwith EUEU DirDirectivectivee 2011/65/EU2011/65/EU amended amended b yb y(EU) (EU) 2015/863 2015/863 (R (RoHS3)oHS3) Electrical Data PPW-2 PPW-3 PPW-5 PPW-7 PPW-10 PPW-15 Power rating at 25C watts 2 3 5 7 10 15 Resistance range ohms 0R1 to 1K6 0R1 to 1K6 0R1 to 1K6 0R1 to 2K5 0R1 to 5K 0R1 to 5K Physical Data Standard Configuration Dimensions (mm) W d H Type L 0.8 W 0.8 H 0.8 d dia. E 0.8 PPW-2 17.05 6.99 6.99 0.8 8.134 3.17 max. 25.4 L min PPW-3 22.3 7.87 7.87 0.8 9.65 Alternate Configuration PPW-5 22.3 9.65 8.89 0.8 10.4 PPW-7 35.3 9.65 8.89 0.8 11.9 EE PPW-10 47.7 9.65 11.9 8.89 0.8 PPW-15 47.7 12.7 0.8 12.7 12.7 Temperature Rise Power Derating 25 40 85 250 100 PPW-15 PPW-2 PPW-10 80 200 PPW-3, 5, 7, 10 PPW-7 60 PPW-15 150 PPW-5 PPW-3 150 100 PPW-2 40 Max. Recommended Ambient Operating 50 20 Temperature 150C 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 50 100 150 200 250 % Rated Load Ambient Temperature (C) Lighting Surge Capabilities for PPW-2 Resistive range ohms 10 x 1000* 10 x 360* 1R to 9R9 250V 650V 10R to 29R9 500V 850V 30R to 99R 600V 1000V 100R to 1K6 1000V 1500V *10 microseconds Maximum rise time to peak voltage. 360 or 1000 microseconds - minimum decay time to one half peak. General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics plc 06.18 Hot Spot Temperature (C) % Rated LoadSemi-Precision Power Wirewound Resistors PPW Series Ordering Procedure This product has two valid part numbers: European (Welwyn) Part Number: PPW5-15RFI (PPW5, 15 ohms 1%, Pb-free) P P W 5 - 1 5 R F I 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Type Configuration Value Tolerance Packing & Termination Finish PPW2 Omit for Standard F = 1% I = Standard packing & Pb-free R = ohms K = kilohms PPW3 A = Alternate G = 2% Bulk pack PPW5 H = 3% PPW7 PPW10 PPW15 USA (IRC) Part Number: PPW515R0FLF (PPW5, 15 ohms 1%, Pb-free) P P W 5 1 5 R 0 F L F 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Type Configuration Value Tolerance Packing & Termination Finish PPW2 Omit for Standard 3 digits + multiplier F = 1% Omit for SnPb PPW3 A = Alternate R = ohms for values G = 2% LF = Pb-free PPW5 <100 ohms H = 3% Bulk pack PPW7 PPW10 PPW15 General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics plc 06.18