Resistors Water Insoluble Nitride Thin Film Precision Chip Resistors WIN Series TaN thin film technology Inherent moisture protection superior to that of passivated nichrome chip resistors High stability in humid and polluted environments Typical 85C, 85%RH biased humidity 2000 hour stability <0.1% Typical moisture resistance stability 100ppm Precision 0.05% tolerance and 10ppm/C Anti-sulfur terminations 100% screened by automated optical inspection All All Pb-Pb-frfreeee parts c parts comply omply with EU Dirwith EU Directivective e 2011/65/EU amended b2011/65/EU amended by y (EU) 2015/863 (R(EU) 2015/863 (RoHS3)oHS3) Electrical Data T0402 T0603 T0805 T1206 Power rating 70C watts 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.33 Resistance range ohms 7R5 to 30K 5R to 100K 5R to 267K 5R to 1M0 Vdc or Limiting element voltage (maximum voltage) 75 75 100 200 rms Resistance tolerance % 0.1 0.5 1 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 TCR ppm/C 50 25 10 15 25 50 Standard values E24, E96, E192 Ambient temperature range C -65 to +150 Physical Data Dimensions in mm & (inch) and weight in mg L W T C B min A Wt. nom 1.020.05 0.530.05 0.30.08 0.20.05 0.44 0.250.05 T0402 0.9 (0.040.002) (0.0210.002) (0.0120.003) (0.0080.002) (0.017) (0.010.002) C 0.34 0.20 1.58 0.15 0.80 0.10 0.45 0.10 0.27 0.20 0.82 T0603 (0.013 2.0 T (0.062 0.006) (0.031 0.004) (0.018 0.004) (0.011 0.008) (0.032) 0.008) B 0.40 0.20 L 2.02 0.15 1.28 0.15 0.45 0.10 0.31 0.20 1.1 T0805 (0.016 4.3 (0.080 0.006) (0.050 0.006) (0.018 0.004) (0.012 0.008) (0.043) A W 0.008) 0.52 0.25 3.15 0.15 1.57 0.15 0.50 0.15 0.45 0.25 2.03 T1206 (0.020 9.6 (0.124 0.006) (0.062 0.006) (0.020 0.006) (0.018 0.010) (0.08) 0.010) Construction Conductors, thin film resistive element and epoxy outer protection are applied to an alumina substrate. The chips are supplied with wrap-around terminations suitable for soldering. The terminations have an electroplated nickel barrier and either 100% matt tin or 60/40 SnPb finish. Marking & Solvent Resistance WIN resistors have no marking on the component body. The body protection is resistant to all normal cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits Screening WIN resistors can be screened to any tests identified in MIL-PRF-55342 and AEC-Q200 to provide components suitable as a COTS equivalent to MIL products or screened product subject to harsh operating environments. General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics plc 12.18Resistors Water Insoluble Nitride Thin Film Precision Chip Resistors WIN Series Manufacturing Capabilities Data Tolerance % TCR T0402 T0603 T0805 T1206 ppm/C 0.1-1 0.05 0.1-1 0.05 0.1-1 0.05 0.1-1 5k-10k 5k-40k 5k-80k 10 15 100-50k 100-100k 100-400k 25 10-30k 10-100k 10-267k 10-1M 50-50k 50-100k 50-400k 50 7.5-30k 5-100k 5-267k 5-1M Performance Data R WWaatteerr IInnssoolluubbllee NNiittrriiddee TThhiinn FFiillmm PPrreecciissiioonn CChhiipp RReessiissttoorrss Test Method MIL-PRF-55342 WIN actual WWIINN SSeerriieess Water Insoluble Nitride Thin Film Precision Chip Resistors Limits (max) performance (typ) WIN Series Thermal Shock MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.3 (MIL-STD-202 107G cond. F: 5 cycles in air, +150 / -65C) 0.1% 0.01% Performance Data Performance Data Thermal Shock - Extended MIL-STD-202 107G cond. F-3: 100 cycles in air, +150 / -65C 0.1% 0.02% R R Performance Data Low Temp. Operation MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.5 (-65C) 0.1% 0.02% TTeesstt MMeetthhoodd MMIILL--PPRRFF--55342 55342 WWIINN ac acttuuaal l R Short Time Overload MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.6 (lesser of 6.25 x Pr or 2 x LEV for 5 seconds) 0.1% 0.02% LLimimititss ( (mmax)ax) ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ( (ttyypp)) Test Method MIL-PRF-55342 WIN actual High Temp. Exposure MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.7 (+150C for 100 hours) 0.1% 0.02% Thermal Shock MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.3 (MIL-STD-202 107G cond. F: 5 cycles in air, +150 / -65C) 0.1% 0.025% Thermal Shock MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.3 (MIL-STD-202 107G cond. F: 5 cycles in air, +150 / -65C) 0.1% 0.025% Limits (max) performance (typ) High Temp. Exposure Extended +150C for 1000 hours N/A 0.1% LLooww T TeemmppO Oppeerraatiotionn MMILIL--PPRRFF--5555342342 4 ( (--6565CC)) 0 0.1%.1% 0 0.0.022%% Thermal Shock MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.3 (MIL-STD-202 107G cond. F: 5 cycles in air, +150 / -65C) 0.1% 0.025% Resistance to Solder Heat MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.8 0.2% 0.02% SShhorortt T Timimee O Ovveerlorloadad MMILIL--PPRRFF--5555342342 4 (le (lesssseerr o off 6 6.25.25 x x P Pr or or 2 2 x x L LEEVV f foror 5 5 s seeccoondsnds)) 0 0.1%.1% 0 0.0.022%% r Low Temp. Operation MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.5 (-65C) 0.1% 0.02% Moisture Resistance MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.9 (MIL-STD-202 106G: 10 cycles, 652C, 955% RH) 0.2% 0.01% High Temp. Exposure MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.7 (+150C for 100 hours) 0.1% 0.05% High Temp. Exposure MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.7 (+150C for 100 hours) 0.1% 0.05% Short Time Overload MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.6 (lesser of 6.25 x Pr or 2 x LEV for 5 seconds) 0.1% 0.02% Load Life MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.11 (MIL-STD-202 108A: Pr at 70C for 2000 hours) 0.5% 0.08% RReessisisttaannccee t too S Sololddeerr H Heeatat MMILIL--PPRRFF--5555342342 4 .8 0. 0.22%% 0. 0.0202%% Biased Damp Heat High 85CTemp. E, 85%RH, 10% Pr bias, fxposure MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.7or 2000 hour (+150C for 100 hourss) 0.1% 0.05% N/A 0.08% Flower of Sulfur MMoioisstAStuurree TM B-809 (modified) 105C DrRe Ressisisttaannccee MMILIL--PPRRFF--5555342342 4 ( (MMILIL--SSyTT, 1000 HourDD--220022 1 10606GG:: 10 10 cyc cycsleless, ,65 6522CC, ,95 9555%% R RHH)) 0. 0.22%% 0. 0.001%1% Pass Resistance to Solder Heat MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.8 0.2% 0.02% LLooaadd L Lififee MMILIL--PPRRFF--5555342342 4 ( (MMILIL--SSTTDD--220202 108 108AA:: P Prr a att 70 70CC f foror 2000 2000 h hoouurrss)) 0. 0.55%% 0. 0.0808%% Moisture Resistance MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.9 (MIL-STD-202 106G: 10 cycles, 652C, 955% RH) 0.2% 0.01% BBiaiasseedd D Daammpp H Heeaatt 8585CC, ,85 85%%RRHH, ,1 100%% P Pr b biaiass, ,f foror 2000 2000 h hoouurrss NN//AA 0. 0.0808%% r Load Life MIL-PRF-55342 4.8.11 (MIL-STD-202 108A: Pr at 70C for 2000 hours) 0.5% 0.08% FFlolowwerer o off S Suulflfuurr ASASTTMM B B--809809 ( (mmooddieiedd)) 105 105CC D Drryy, ,1 1000000 H Hoouurrss PPaassss Biased Damp Heat 85C, 85%RH, 10% Pr bias, for 2000 hours N/A 0.08% Flower of Sulfur ASTM B-809 (modied) 105C Dry, 1000 Hours Pass TTememppeerraatuturree DDeerraati ti nngg Temperature Derati ng 101000%% 80% 80% 100% 60% 60% 80% ti ti 40%40% 60% 20%ti 20% 40% 0% 0% 20% 00 5050 100100 150150 0% Ambient Temperature (C) Ambient Temperature (C) 0 50 100 150 Ambient Temperature (C) Load Life Stability Biased Damp Heat Stability Load Life Stability Biased Damp Heat Stability Typical Load Life per MIL-STD-202 108A Typical 85C, 85%RH, 10% P bias Typical Load Life per MIL-STD-202 108A Typical 85C, 85%RH, 10% Pr bias r Load Life Stability Biased Damp Heat Stability 00.1.10%0% 00.0.06%6% Typical Load Life per MIL-STD-202 108A Typical 85C, 85%RH, 10% P bias r 0.10% 00.0.05%6% 0.05% 7070kk 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 00.0.04%4% 70k 2525kk 0.05% 0.04% 00.0.03%3% 00.0.00%0% 500500 7070kk 25k 0.03% 0.02% 0.00% 0.02% 500 100100 70k -0.05% -0.05% 0.02% 00.0.01%1% 100100 100 -0.05% 0.01% 100 00.0.00%0% --00.10%.10% 00 500500 10100000 15150000 20200000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.00% Time on Test (hours) -0.10% Time on Test (hours) TTiimme e oonn TTeesst t ((hhooururs)s) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time on Test (hours) Time on Test (hours) www. tt www. tt www. tt General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics plc 12.18 Resistance Change ResistRaenscise taCnhcae ngCeh ange Propor on of Pr PropoPrroopno rof oPnr of Pr Resistance Change ResistRaenscise taCnhcae ngCeh ange