Resistors Resistors Heatsink Mount High Power Resistors Heatsink Mount High Power Resistors WMHP Series WMHP Series AEC-Q200 (WMHP35) TO-220 & TO-247 standard power packages TO-220 & TO-247 standard power packages Very low thermal resistance Very low thermal resistance Non-inductive thick film technology Non-inductive thick film technology 20 to 100 watt high power resistors 20 to 100 watt high power resistors Single screw mounting to heatsink Single screw mounting to heatsink Tailored heatsink WMHP-HS available Tailored heatsink WMHP-HS available Suitable for high frequency / fast pulse use Suitable for high frequency / fast pulse use All parts are Pb-free and comply with EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2) All All parts parts arare e Pb-Pb-frfree ee and and ccomply omply with with EU EU DirDirectivective e 2011/65/EU 2011/65/EU amended amended bby y (EU) (EU) 2015/863 2015/863 (R(RoHS3)oHS3) Electrical Data WMHP20 WMHP35 WMHP50 WMHP100 Conditions Package style TO-220 TO-247 Power rating watts 20 35 50 100 Heatsink with 25C flange temperature Power rating watts 1.5 2.5 3 3.5 Without heatsink, in free air 25C Limiting element voltage volts 350 700 dc or ac rms Resistance range ohms R05 10K Dielectric strength volts 1800 ac rms for 60s Working temperature range C -65 to 150 -65 to 175 Insulation resistance ohms >10G Between terminals and tab Tolerances % 1R0: 5 >1R0: 1, 5 TCR ppm/C R20: 1000 >R203R0: 300 >3R0-10R: 100 >10R: 50 25 to 105C Standard values E24 preferred Physical Data Dimensions (mm) & Weight (g) TO-220 TO-247 A 10.16 0.25 15.75 0.26 B 15 0.3 20.7 0.26 C 4.6 0.2 4.95 0.26 D 3.85 0.15 3.63 0.1 E 13.75 0.5 14.48 1.27 F 4 max 2.79 0.76 G 5.08 0.25 3.63 0.18 H 0.78 0.08 1.52 0.1 J 1.3 0.1 10.16 0.26 K 6.4 0.25 5.33 0.26 L 0.51 0.15 0.81 0.26 M 2.27 0.25 2.41 0.26 TO-220 TO-247 Wt 2.0 nom 3.7 nom Performance Data Test Performance Load at Rated Power: 2000hrs at rated power R% 1 Short Term Overload: 2 x rated power with applied voltage not to exceed 1.5 x maximum continuous operating voltage for 5 seconds R% 0.5 Damp Heat with Load: 40 2C, 90 95% RH, maximum working voltage 1.5 hours on, 0.5 hours off, 1000 hours R% 1 Thermal Shock: -65C/150C, 100cycles R% 0.3 Terminal Strength: 2.4N pull test R% 0.2 General Note General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics plc TT Electronics plc 09.17 07.19RResistesistororss Resistors Resistors Resistors HeaHeatsink Mountsink Mount High Pt High Poowwer Rer Resisesisttororss Heatsink Mount High Power Resistors Heatsink Mount High Power Resistors Heatsink Mount High Power Resistors HHHHeaeaeaeattttssssinkinkinkink MMMMooooununununtttt HHHHigigigigh h h h PPPPoooowwwwerererer RRRResesesesisisisisttttoooorrrrssss HHHHeaeaeaeattttssssinkinkinkink MMMMooooununununtttt HHHHigigigigh h h h PPPPoooowwwwerererer RRRResesesesisisisisttttoooorrrrssss oouunntt HHiigghh PPoowweerr RReessiissttoorrss oouunntt HHiigghh HHHHPPooeeeeaaaawwtttteessssiiiirrnnnn RRkkkk ee MMMMssiioooossttuuuuoonnnnrrttttss HHHHiiiigggghhhh PPPPoooowwwweeeerrrr RRRReeeessssiiiissssttttoooorrrrssss WMHP Series WMHP Series WMHP Series WMHP Series WMHP Series WMHP Series WMHP Series WMHP Series Temperature Derating Mounting Temperature Derating Temperature Derating Temperature Derating The resistor should be mounted to a heatsink using The resistor should be mounted to a heatsink using a suitable thermal interface material. The maximum a suitable thermal interface material. The maximum tightening torque for the M3 mounting screw is 0.9Nm. A tailored heatsink is available which accommodates both A tailored heatsink is available which accommodates both TO-220 and TO-247 package styles. This is WMHP-HS and TO-220 and TO-247 package styles. This is WMHP-HS and product data is available at product data is available at hptt ://www.eltt es/resistors- h ps://www.TTelectroni ctroni cs/media / datasheets/WMHP-HS.pdf ProductF i les/Resis tors/Datasheets/WMHP-HS.pdf TO-220 TO-247 TO-220 TO-247 TO-220 TO-247 TO-220 TO-247 Typical High Frequency Performance Pulse Performance Typical High Frequency Performance Pulse Performance Typical High Frequency Performance Pulse Performance Typical High Frequency Performance Pulse Performance Single Pulse (P << P ) Condition mean r Single Pulse (P << P ) Condition Single Pulse (P << P ) Condi on mean r mean r Single Pulse (P << P ) Condition mean r 1000 1000 100 WMHP100 100 WMHP100 WMHP50 WMHP50 WMHP35 WMHP35 WMHP20 WMHP20 10 10 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Pulse Duration (ms) Pulse Duration (ms) Pulse performance for durations 1s is dependent on mounting conditions. The short term Pulse performance for durations 1s is dependent on mountingTy cpiocnadil hitigoh nsfr. Teqheue snchoyr ct thaerrmac teristics for WMHP35-220R. Self resonant frequency is 1GHz. ons 1s is dependent on moun ng condi ons. The short term Typical high frequency characteristics for WMHP35-220R. Self resonant frequency is 1GHz. Pulse performance for durations 1s is dependent on mountinTgy pciocnadl hitiigohn sf.r eTqhuee snhcoyr tc htearrm acteris cs for WMHP35-220R. Self resonant frequency is 1GHz. Typical high frequency characteristics for WMHP35-220R. Self resonant frequency is 1GHz. overload power limit is 2 x power rating for 5s. overload power limit is 2 x power rating for 5s. wer ra ng for 5s. overload power limit is 2 x power rating for 5s. Ordering Procedure Ordering Procedure Procedure Example: WMHP35-10KJ (WMHP35 at 10 kilohms 5%, Pb-free) Example: WMHP35-10KJ (WMHP35 at 10 kilohms 5%, Pb-free) (WMHP35 at 10 kilohms 5%, Pb-free) General Note General Note GenerGeneal Notral Noete BI Technologies IRC Welwyn BI Technologies IRC Welwyn General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn BI Technologies IRC Welwyn BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reservTT Electronics reserves the right to makes the right to make changes in product specifice changes in product specification without notice or liability.ation without notice or liability. TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All infAll information is subormation is subject to TT Electronics own datject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accura and is considered accuratate at time of going to print.e at time of going to print. All infAll inormation is subformation is suject to TT Electronics own datbject to TT Electronics own daa and is considered accurta and is considered accuatrae at time of going to print.te at time of going to print. All information is subject to TT Electronics own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. TT Electronics plc TT Electronics plc TT Electronics plc www. www. TT Electronics plc TT Electronics plc 07.1807.19 09.19 09.17 09.17 Peak Power (W) Peak Power (W)