The EVK-JODY-W377 with Multiprotocol Development Tools is a development platform manufactured by U-Blox. It is designed to aid developers in the development of applications that require the use of multiple wireless protocols. The platform comes with a powerful SoC that supports the operation of multiple protocols in parallel, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, and Thread. It can operate in multiple operating systems, including Linux, Android, and Windows. With this platform, developers can create innovative applications utilizing multiple wireless connenctions. Furthermore, it is designed for short-range applications, so it supports features such as precise location, secure transmission, fast data transfer, energy-efficiency, low latency, and excellent coverage. In short, U-Blox's EVK-JODY-W377 with Multiprotocol Development Tools is a powerful and robust platform for rapidly developing applications that require the operation of multiple protocols.