DCM DC-DC Converter DCM3623x50T13A6yzz S CUNRTLS C US Isolated, Regulated DC Converter Features & Benets Product Ratings V = 9 V to 50 V P = 160 W IN OUT Isolated, regulated DC-DC converter V = 12.0 V OUT Up to 160 W, 13.40 A continuous I = 13.40 A OUT (7.2 V to 13.2 V Trim) 91.5% peak efficiency 3 436 W/in Power density Wide input range 9 50 Vdc Product Description Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) 12.0 V Nominal Output The DCM Isolated, Regulated DC Converter is a DC-DC 2250 Vdc isolation converter, operating from an unregulated, wide range input to ZVS high frequency switching generate an isolated 12.0 Vdc output. With its high frequency zero voltage switching (ZVS) topology, the DCM converter n Enables low-profile, high-density filtering consistently delivers high eciency across the input line range. Optimized for array operation Modular DCM converters and downstream DC-DC products support ecient power distribution, providing superior power n Up to 8 units 1280 W system performance and connectivity from a variety of n No power derating needed unregulated power sources to the point-of-load. n Sharing strategy permits dissimilar line voltages Leveraging the thermal and density benets of Vicors ChiP across an array packaging technology, the DCM module oers exible thermal Fully operational current limit management options with very low top and bottom side thermal impedances. Thermally-adept ChiP based power OV, OC, UV, short circuit and thermal protection components enable customers to achieve cost eective power 3623 through-hole ChiP package system solutions with previously unattainable system size, weight and eciency attributes, quickly and predictably. n 1.524 x 0.898 x 0.284 (38.72 mm x 22.8 mm x 7.21 mm) Typical Applications Industrial Process Control Transportation / Heavy Equipment Defense / Aerospace Part Ordering Information Max Max Max Product Package Package Range Temperature Input Output Output Option Function Size Type Ratio Grade Voltage Voltage Power DCM 36 23 x 50 T 13 A6 y zz DCM = Length Width T = T = -40C 125C 00 = Analog Control DC-DC in mm in mm Through hole Internal Reference Interface Version M = -55C 125C Converter x 10 x 10 ChiPs DCM DC-DC Converter Rev 1.4 Page 1 of 25 01/2018DCM3623x50T13A6yzz Typical Application DCM1 TR EN FT R1 1 L2 1 F1 1 +IN +OUT L1 1 C LOAD Vin C1 1 C Load OUT-EXT-1 -IN -OUT DCM2 TR EN FT R1 2 L2 2 F1 2 +IN +OUT L1 2 C C1 2 OUT-EXT-2 -IN -OUT DCM4 TR EN FT R1 4 L2 4 F1 4 +IN +OUT L1 4 C C1 4 OUT-EXT-4 -IN -OUT Typical Application 1: DCM3623x50T13A6yzz in an array of four units DCM TR EN FT Load 1 R1 L2 F1 +IN +OUT L1 C1 C Vin OUT-EXT -IN -OUT Non-isolated Point-of-Load Regulator Load 2 Typical Application 2: Single DCM3623x50T13A6yzz, to a non-isolated regulator, and direct to load DCM DC-DC Converter Rev 1.4 Page 2 of 25 01/2018