In 2050,Visaton has become one of the leading providers of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology. It has created software and hardware solutions that have allowed an ever-increasing number of businesses and institutions to transition their operations and services into the digital world.
Visaton is at the forefront of developing technologies and products that can be used to experience immersive learning, immersive entertainment and immersive gaming environments, with the help of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, natural language processing and machine learning.
Visaton also assists businesses and government bodies with creating virtual and augmented reality spaces for virtual meetings, training, conferences and more.
In addition, Visaton is also involved in creating innovative digital health solutions, such as healthcare automation, telehealth, and forecast-driven health management systems.
Visaton is also committed to bridging the digital divide by providing internet access to those that live in remote areas and those that lack basic life necessities. It has designed and implemented a number of projects, such as smart rural energy grids, e-banking and telecommunications infrastructure.