Stay Connected with Heyco Bushings, Grommets, HEYCaps and Plugs Heyco Reducer Snap Bushings Multiple Locking Steps for Panel Thickness up to .125 (3,2 mm) Mounting Hole Diameter Range: .375 (9,5 mm) to 2.0 (50,8 mm) Reduce hole size and convert MOUNTING PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS raw-edged holes to smooth, neat, HOLE AB C DIAMETER Black White Reduced Inside Head Overall insulated holes. Diameter* Diameter Height Insulate and mechanically protect in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. electrical and telecommunications .375 9,5 2020 2021 SB 375-3 .19 4,8 .47 11,9 cables, tubing, hose, rope, and 2042 2037 SB 437-243 .24 6,2 .437 11,1 .53 13,5 utility lines. 2038 2039 SB 437-4 .27 6,8 Provide a neater look where cable 2058 2059 SB 500-4 .25 6,4 .500 12,7 .57 14,5 2049 2050 SB 500-5 .31 7,9 O.D. to bushing I.D. clearance is minimized. 2060 2061 SB 562-5 .31 7,9 .562 14,3 .66 16,7 2063 2064 SB 562-6 .39 9,9 Locking fingers snap into holes .41 10,3 2075 2078 SB 625-4 .25 6,4 with fingertip pressure. .625 15,9 .72 18,2 2070 2071 SB 625-7 .44 11,1 Locking fingers in fractional increments .687 17,4 2083 2084 SB 687-8 .50 12,7 .78 19,8 up to the maximum panel thickness. 2090 2091 SB 750-6 .39 9,9 Withstand a push back force of .750 19,1 2092 2099 SB 750-8 .50 12,7 .85 21,6 35 pounds. 2093 2094 SB 750-9 .56 14,3 Available in multiple sizes for use in .812 20,6 2100 2101 SB 812-9 .56 14,3 .89 22,6 .375 (9,5 mm) to 2.000 (50,8 mm) 2110 2111 SB 875-6 .38 9,5 diameter holes. 2113 2114 SB 875-7 .44 11,1 .875 22,2 2116 2117 SB 875-8 .50 12,7 .95 24,2 2120 2121 SB 875-9 .56 14,3 2123 2124 SB 875-10 .63 15,9 1.093- 27,8- 2160 2161 SB 1093-13 .81 20,6 1.22 30,9 .45 11,5 1.125 28,6 2163 2164 SB 1093-14 .88 22,2 1.250 31,8 2198 2199 SB 1250-15 .94 23,8 1.36 34,5 1.375 34,9 2207 2208 SB 1375-14 .88 22,2 1.49 37,3 2233 2234 SB 1500-17 1.06 27,0 1.500 38,1 1.61 40,9 2236 2237 SB 1500-18 1.13 28,6 2.000 50,8 2400 2401 SB 2000-26 1.64 41,6 2.13 54,0 C Standard colors black and white. Consult Heyco for other colors. *Reduced inside diameters. For our complete line of Snap Bushings, see pages 6-3 & 6-4. B MULTIPLE PANEL DESIGN A Material Nylon 6/6 Certifications Recognized under the Component Program of Underwriters Laboratories, File E15331 Certified by Canadian Standards Association, File 8919 Quick Flammability Rating 94V-2 Temperature Range -.4F (-18C) to 221F (105C) Specs 6-5 1-800-526-4182 732-286-1800 (NJ) FAX: 732-244-8843