53D www.vishay.com Vishay Sprague Aluminum Capacitors +85 C, Tubular, Axial Lead, General Purpose FEATURES General purpose capacitor Rugged construction Available Largest CV ratings in axial leaded capacitor Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc 99912 QUICK REFERENCE DATA RIPPLE CURRENT MULTIPLIERS DESCRIPTION VALUE TEMPERATURE 0.75 x 1.125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE MULTIPLIERS 19.05 x 28.575 +75 C 1.4 Nominal case size to D x L in mm +65 C 1.7 1.375 x 4.125 34.925 x 104.775 +45 C and below 2.0 Operating temperature -40 C to +85 C FREQUENCY (Hz) Rated capacitance range, C 15 F to 220 000 F WV 50 TO 60 300 TO 400 1000 AND UP DC R 0 to 50 0.85 1.10 1.15 Tolerance on C -10 %, +50 % -10 %, +75 % R 51 to 299 0.85 1.15 1.20 Rated voltage range, U 6.3 WV to 450 WV R DC DC 300 to up 0.80 1.30 1.40 Termination Axial leads 1000 h: CAP 15 % from initial measurement. Life validation test at 85 C ESR 1.5 x initial specified limit. LOW TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE DCL initial specified limit. -40 C +25 C CAPACITANCE RATIO C / C MINIMUM AT 120 Hz 500 h: CAP 10 % from initial Rated Voltage (WV ) Capacitance Remaining DC measurement. Shelf life at 85 C 0 to 40 35 ESR 1.3 x initial specified limit. DCL 2.0 x initial specified limit. 41 to 63 45 Ik= CV 64 to 100 60 DC leakage current k = 6.0 at +25 C 101 to 350 20 (after 5 min charge) k = 36.0 at +85 C 351 to 450 15 I in A, C in F, V in Volts -40 C +25 C ESR RATIO ESR / ESR MAXIMUM AT 120 Hz Rated Voltage (WV ) Multiplier DC 0 to 40 60 41 to 63 55 64 to 100 65 101 to 350 180 351 to 450 190 DIMENSIONS in inches millimeters STYLE 6 AND 7 STYLE 6 AND 7 CASE TYPICAL CASE TYPICAL CODE WEIGHT CODE WEIGTH DL D L 0.760 0.020 1.141 0.062 0.46 oz. 0.760 0.020 2.141 0.062 0.74 oz. GE GL 19.3 0.51 29.0 1.58 (13 g) 19.3 0.51 54.4 1.58 (21 g) 0.760 0.020 1.641 0.062 0.67 oz. 0.760 0.020 2.641 0.062 0.88 oz. GJ GP 19.3 0.51 41.7 1.58 (19 g) 19.3 0.51 67.1 1.58 (25 g) 0.760 0.020 3.141 0.062 1.16 oz. 1.135 0.020 3.141 0.062 2.54 oz. GS KS 19.3 0.51 79.8 1.58 (33 g) 28.8 0.51 79.8 1.58 (72 g) 0.760 0.020 3.641 0.062 1.34 oz. 1.135 0.020 3.641 0.062 2.96 oz. GT KT 19.3 0.51 92.5 1.58 (38 g) 28.8 0.51 92.5 1.58 (84 g) 0.885 0.020 1.141 0.062 0.63 oz. 1.135 0.020 4.141 0.062 3.35 oz. HE KD 22.5 0.51 29.0 1.58 (18 g) 28.8 0.51 105.2 1.58 (95 g) Revision: 20-Jul-16 Document Number: 42037 1 For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps4 vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 53D www.vishay.com Vishay Sprague DIMENSIONS in inches millimeters STYLE 6 AND 7 STYLE 6 AND 7 CASE TYPICAL CASE TYPICAL CODE WEIGHT CODE WEIGTH DL D L 0.885 0.020 1.641 0.062 0.95 oz. 1.260 0.020 1.141 0.062 1.13 oz. HJ LE 22.5 0.51 41.7 1.58 (27 g) 32.0 0.51 29.0 1.58 (32 g) 0.885 0.020 2.141 0.062 1.02 oz. 1.260 0.020 1.641 0.062 1.62 oz. HL LJ 22.5 0.51 54.4 1.58 (29 g) 32.0 0.51 41.7 1.58 (46 g) 0.885 0.020 2.641 0.062 1.38 oz. 1.260 0.020 2.141 0.062 2.11 oz. HP LL 22.5 0.51 67.1 1.58 (39 g) 32.0 0.51 54.4 1.58 (60 g) 0.885 0.020 3.141 0.062 1.73 oz. 1.260 0.020 2.641 0.062 2.65 oz. HS LP 22.5 0.51 79.8 1.58 (49 g) 32.0 0.51 67.1 1.58 (75 g) 0.885 0.020 3.641 0.062 2.08 oz. 1.260 0.020 3.141 0.062 3.14 oz. HT LS 22.5 0.51 92.5 1.58 (59 g) 32.0 0.51 79.8 1.58 (89 g) 1.010 0.020 1.141 0.062 0.81 oz. 1.260 0.020 3.641 0.062 3.63 oz. JE LT 25.7 0.51 29.0 1.58 (23 g) 32.0 0.51 92.5 1.58 (103 g) 1.010 0.020 1.641 0.062 1.02 oz. 1.260 0.020 4.141 0.062 4.16 oz. JJ LD 25.7 0.51 41.7 1.58 (29 g) 32.0 0.51 105.2 1.58 (118 g) 1.010 0.020 2.141 0.062 1.55 oz. 1.375 0.020 1.141 0.062 1.38 oz. JL ME 25.7 0.51 54.4 1.58 (44 g) 34.9 0.51 29.0 1.58 (39 g) 1.010 0.020 2.641 0.062 1.87 oz. 1.375 0.020 1.641 0.062 1.98 oz. JP MJ 25.7 0.51 67.1 1.58 (53 g) 34.9 0.51 41.7 1.58 (56 g) 1.010 0.020 3.141 0.062 2.22 oz. 1.375 0.020 2.141 0.062 2.57 oz. JS ML 25.7 0.51 79.8 1.58 (63 g) 34.9 0.51 54.4 1.58 (73 g) 1.010 0.020 3.641 0.062 2.54 oz. 1.375 0.020 2.641 0.062 3.21 oz. JT MP 25.7 0.51 92.5 1.58 (72 g) 34.9 0.51 67.1 1.58 (91 g) 1.135 0.020 1.141 0.062 0.92 oz. 1.375 0.020 3.141 0.062 3.81 oz. KE MS 28.8 0.51 29.0 1.58 (26 g) 34.9 0.51 79.8 1.58 (108 g) 1.135 0.020 1.641 0.062 1.31 oz. 1.375 0.020 3.641 0.062 4.44 oz. KJ MT 28.8 0.51 41.7 1.58 (37 g) 34.9 0.51 92.5 1.58 (126 g) 1.135 0.020 2.141 0.062 1.73 oz. 1.375 0.020 4.141 0.062 5.04 oz. KL MD 28.8 0.51 54.4 1.58 (49 g) 34.9 0.51 105.2 1.58 (143 g) 1.135 0.020 2.641 0.062 2.15 oz. KP -- - - 28.8 0.51 67.1 1.58 (61 g) DIMENSIONS AND AVAILABLE FORMS L C L 63.50 63.50 D PVC sleeve min. min. Lead diameter No. 18 AWG (0.040 1.016 mm Dia.) ORDERING EXAMPLE Electrolytic capacitor 53D series: 53D 282 G 025 GJ 6 DESCRIPTION CODE EXPLANATION 53D Product type 282 Capacitance value (2800 F) G Tolerance (G = -10 % / +75 % F = -10 % / +50 %) 025 Voltage rating at 85 C (025 = 25 V) GJ Can size (see Dimensions table) 6 Sleeve and sealing (6 = P.V.C. sleeve) Note For lead (Pb)-free / RoHS compliant products add suffix E3 to part number. Example: 53D282G025GJ6E3 Revision: 20-Jul-16 Document Number: 42037 2 For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps4 vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000