NC Series Vishay Electro-Films Thin Film Single Value Chip and Wire Capacitors FEATURES Wire bondable Small size: 0.020 inches square to 0.060 inches square Substrate: Silicon with gold backing Dielectric: Silicon dioxide/silicon nitride Capacitance range: 0.5 pF to 1000 pF Product may not be to scale Material categorization: for definitions of The NC series of thin film capacitors has the advantage of compliance please see 99912 increased performance and smaller size when compared with its thick film counterparts. These chips are available in APPLICATIONS sizes down to 20 mil square and in capacitances up to 1000 pF. The NC series of capacitor chips are designed for assembly Parts require epoxy or eutectic die attach to substrate and in hybrid circuits using conventional wire-bonding one wire bond. techniques. They provide excellent stability and These chips are manufactured using Vishay Electro-Films performance, and their small size gives the hybrid designer (EFI) sophisticated Thin Film equipment and manufacturing greater layout flexibility. They are available as MNOS or technology. The NCs are 100 % electrically tested and MOS capacitors. The MOS version is to be preferred when visually inspected to MIL-STD-883. low dielectric absorption is required. ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC NCAA, NCBB, NCCC NCDD, NCEE TOP BONDING PADS TOP BONDING PADS BACK OF CHIP BACK OF CHIP WV (DC) VALUES AND TOLERANCES CAPACITOR MODEL NCAA NCBB NCCC NCDD NCEE UNIT Case Size 0202 0303 0404 0505 0606 Capacitance Values 0.5 to 51 33 to 100 56 to 220 150 to 510 360 to 1000 pF 2.5, 5, 10, 2.5, 5, 10, 2.5, 5, 10, 2.5, 5, 10, 2.5, 5, 10, Tolerance % 20, 25 20 20 20 20 DC Working Voltage 200 150 190 140 65 V STANDARD ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Capacitance Range 0.5 to 1000 pF Maximum Working Voltage 200 V Peak Voltage at +25 C 1.5 x working voltage 0.05 MNOS Dissipation Factor, 1 kHz, 1 V , +25 C % RMS 0.1 MOS Q at 1 mHz, 50 mV , +25 C 1000 min. RMS +45 25 MNOS TCC, -55 C to +150 C ppm/C +15 25 MOS 9 Insulation Resistance at Working Voltage, +25 C 10 min. Operating Temperature Range -55 to +125 C Thermal Shock 0.25 + 0.25 pF max. C/C % Moisture Resistance, MIL-STD-202, Method 106 1.0 + 0.25 pF max. C/C % Short Time Overload, +25 C, 5 s, 1.5 x Working Voltage 0.25 + 0.25 pF max. % High Temperature Exposure, 100 h at 150 C Ambient 0.25 + 0.25 pF max. C/C % Life, MIL-STD-202, Method 108 0.25 + 0.25 pF max. C/C % Condition D, +125 C Ambient, 1000 h at Working Voltage Revision: 22-May-2018 Document Number: 61033 1 For technical questions, contact: efi THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT 91000NC Series Vishay Electro-Films DC WORKING VOLTAGES VALUES AND TOLERANCES NCAA 0.020 inches square DC WORKING DC WORKING CAPACITANCE CAPACITANCE VOLTAGE VOLTAGE VALUE pF VALUE pF MOS MNOS MOS 4.3 51 40 - 3.9 47 45 - 3.6 43 50 - 3.3 39 55 - 3.0 36 60 - 2.7 33 65 - 2.4 30 75 35 2.2 27 80 39 2.00 24 90 44 1.80 22 95 48 1.60 20 105 54 1.50 18 120 60 1.30 16 135 68 1.20 15 140 73 1.10 13 150 85 1.0 12 160 93 0.91 11 180 102 0.82 10 200 114 0.75 8.2 200 160 0.68 6.8 0.62 200 193 5.6 0.56 200 200 4.7 0.50 200 200 ** 0.5 pF NA = NOT AVAILABLE NCEE 0.060 inches square NCBB 0.030 inches square NCCC 0.040 inches square NCDD 0.055 inches square CAPACITANCE DC WORKING CAPACITANCE DC WORKING CAPACITANCE DC WORKING VALUE pF VOLTAGE VALUE pF VOLTAGE VALUE pF VOLTAGE MNOS MOS MNOS MOS MNOS MOS 100 55 - 220 50 - 1000 20 - 910 25 - 200 55 - 91 60 - 820 30 - 180 60 - 82 750 30 - 65 - 160 65 - 680 35 - 75 65 - 620 40 - 150 70 - 560 40 - 68 70 38 130 80 40 510 50 - 62 90 42 120 90 45 470 50 20 430 60 25 56 110 100 49 95 47 390 65 28 100 110 54 51 360 105 52 75 30 91 120 60 330 80 34 47 120 56 300 90 38 82 135 66 270 100 40 43 130 62 75 140 72 240 100 47 39 135 68 165 220 68 81 110 52 200 120 57 36 140 74 62 180 88 180 135 63 56 190 97 33 150 81 160 140 70 150 140 76 Revision: 22-May-2018 Document Number: 61033 2 For technical questions, contact: efi THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT 91000 2.5 % 5 % 10 % 20 % 5 % 10 % 20 % 25 % 2.5 % 5 % 10 % 20 % 2.5 % 2.5 % 5 % 5 % 10 % 10 % 20 % 20 % NA NA NA NA 100 ** NA NA ** * NCD NCE