VS-40MT160P.PbF, VS-70MT160P.PbF, VS-100MT160P.PbF www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Three Phase Bridge (Power Modules), 45 A to 100 A FEATURES Low V F Low profile package Direct mounting to heatsink Flat pin/round pin versions with PCB solderable terminals Low junction to case thermal resistance 3500 V insulation voltage RMS UL approved file E78996 Designed and qualified for industrial level Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc 99912 MT...PA MT...PB APPLICATIONS Power conversion machines Welding UPS SMPS PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS Motor drives I 45 A to 100 A O General purpose and heavy duty application V 1600 V RRM DESCRIPTION Package MTP A range of extremely compact three phase rectifier bridges Circuit configuration Three phase bridge offering efficient and reliable operation. The low profile package has been specifically conceived to maximize space saving and optimize the electrical layout of the application specific power supplies. MAJOR RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS VALUES VALUES VALUES SYMBOL CHARACTERISTICS UNITS 40MT 70MT 100MT 45 75 100 A I O T 100 80 80 C C 50 Hz 270 380 450 I A FSM 60 Hz 280 398 470 50 Hz 365 724 1013 2 2 I t A s 60 Hz 325 660 920 2 2 I t 3650 7240 10 130 A s V 1600 V RRM T - 40 to + 150 Stg Range C T - 40 to + 150 J ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE RATINGS V , MAXIMUM RRM VOLTAGE CODE V , MAXIMUM I MAXIMUM RSM RRM REPETITIVE PEAK TYPE NUMBER REVERSE VOLTAGE NON-REPETITIVE PEAK AT T = 150 C J REVERSE VOLTAGE V V mA V VS-40MT160P, VS-70MT160P, 160 1600 1700 5 VS-100MT160P Revision: 21-May-2019 Document Number: 94538 1 For technical questions within your region: DiodesAmericas vishay.com, DiodesAsia vishay.com, DiodesEurope vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 VS-40MT160P.PbF, VS-70MT160P.PbF, VS-100MT160P.PbF www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors FORWARD CONDUCTION SYMBO VALUES VALUES VALUES PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS UNITS L 40MT 70MT 100MT 45 75 100 A Maximum DC output current at I 120 rect. to conduction angle O case temperature 100 80 80 C t = 10 ms 270 380 450 No voltage Maximum peak, one cycle reapplied t = 8.3 ms 280 398 470 forward, non-repetitive on I FSM t = 10 ms 225 320 380 state surge current 100 % V RRM reapplied t = 8.3 ms 240 335 400 Initial T = T maximum J J t = 10 ms 365 724 1013 No voltage reapplied t = 8.3 ms 325 660 920 2 2 2 Maximum I t for fusing I t A s t = 10 ms 253 512 600 100 % V RRM reapplied t = 8.3 ms 240 467 665 2 2 2 Maximum I t for fusing I t t = 0.1 ms to 10 ms, no voltage reapplied 3650 7240 10 130 A s Value of threshold voltage V 0.78 0.82 0.75 V F(TO) T maximum J Slope resistance r 14.8 9.5 8.1 m t T = 25 C t = 400 s single junction (40MT, I = 40 A) J p pk Maximum forward voltage drop V 1.45 1.45 1.51 V FM (70MT, I = 70 A) (100MT,I = 100 A) pk pk INSULATION TABLE VALUES VALUES VALUES PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS UNITS 40MT 70MT 100MT RMS insulation voltage V T = 25 C, all terminal shorted, f = 50 Hz, t = 1 s 3500 V INS J THERMAL AND MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VALUES VALUES VALUES PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS UNITS 40MT 70MT 100MT Maximum junction operating T - 40 to + 150 J temperature range C Maximum storage temperature T - 40 to + 150 Stg range DC operation per module 0.27 0.23 0.19 DC operation per junction 1.6 1.38 1.14 Maximum thermal resistance, R thJC junction to case 120 rect. conduction angle per module 0.38 0.29 0.22 K/W 120 rect. conduction angle per junction 2.25 1.76 1.29 Mounting surface smooth, flat and greased Maximum thermal resistance, R Heatsink compound thermal conductivity 0.1 thCS case to heatsink per module = 0.42W/mK Mounting torque to heatsink A mounting compound is recommended and the 4Nm 10 % torque should be rechecked after a period of 3 h to allow for the spread of the compound. Lubricated Approximate weight 65 g threads CLEARANCE AND CREEPAGE DISTANCES PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MT...PA MT...PB UNITS External shortest distances in air between terminals Clearance which are not internally short circuited together 10.9 12.3 mm Shortest distance along external surface of the insulating Creepage distance material between terminals which are not internally short circuited together Revision: 21-May-2019 Document Number: 94538 2 For technical questions within your region: DiodesAmericas vishay.com, DiodesAsia vishay.com, DiodesEurope vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000