X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 are a product manufactured by Vishay. We provide cost-effective solutions for VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 Vishay

VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 electronic component of Vishay
VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 Vishay
VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 Unclassified

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0
Manufacturer: Vishay
Category: Unclassified
Description: CAP, 0.01µF, 20%
Datasheet: VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 1.0203 ea
Line Total: USD 1.02 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 1.0203
10 : USD 0.6287
50 : USD 0.5121
100 : USD 0.4704
200 : USD 0.4363
500 : USD 0.4047

Product Category
Product Range
Capacitance Tolerance
Suppression Class
Voltage Rating X
Voltage Rating Y
Operating Temperature Min
Operating Temperature Max
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We are delighted to provide the VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 from our Vishay manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the VY2103M63Y5UG6TV0 and other electronic components in the Vishay manufacturer and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image VY2103M63Y5US6TV0
Ceramic Disc Capacitors 10000pF -20% X440 Y300VAC Reel
Stock : 0
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Stock Image VY2151K29Y5SS6TV7
Ceramic Disc Capacitors 150pF +/-10% X440 Y300VAC Reel
Stock : 0
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Stock Image VY2150K29U2JS63V7
Safety Capacitors 15pF X440 Y300VAC 10% U2J
Stock : 9406
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Stock Image VY2103M63Y5US6UV7
Ceramic Disc Capacitors VY2 X440Y300VAC 10NF -20% Y5U AMMO E3
Stock : 0
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Stock Image VY2103M63Y5US63V0
Safety Capacitors .01uF X440 Y300VAC 20% Y5U
Stock : 39757
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image VY2103M63Y5US63V7
Safety Capacitors .01uF 2600Vac 20%
Stock : 18659
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image VY2103M63Y5US6TV7
Safety Capacitors VY2 X440Y300VAC 10NF +/-20% Y5U REEL E3
Stock : 4704
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image VY2151K29Y5SS63V7
Safety Capacitors VY2 X440Y300VAC 150PF +/-10% Y5S BULK E3
Stock : 111
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Stock Image VY2103M63Y5UG6TV7
CAP, 0.01µF, 20%
Stock : 0
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Stock Image VY2103M63Y5US6AK0A
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image VY2103M63Y5UG6TV7
CAP, 0.01µF, 20%
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 59-900089
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 59-900090
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Stock Image 59-900091
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Stock Image 59-531
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 59-531G
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Stock Image 59-531R
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Stock Image 59-532
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Stock Image PEL00369
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PEL00370
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

Vishay i ntertechnology, i nc. c eramic Disc c apacitors V Y 2 S e ri e s ac l ine r ated Disc c apacitors c lass X1, 440 V , c lass Y2, 300 V ac ac ef atures Ca pac it a n c e r a ng e: 10 p F to 10 nF R ate d volt ag e IEC 6 0 3 8 4 -14.3: X1: 4 40 V , 50 Hz AC Y2: 3 0 0 V , 50 Hz AC C o mp o ne nt s 10 0 % volt ag e -te s te d at 26 0 0 V , 50 Hz, 2 s AC O p e r ating te mp e r atu re: - 40 C to + 125 C rd C o mp l y with IEC 6 0 3 8 4 -14, 3 e dition EN EC -V D E , UL6 0 3 8 4 -14, a n d C SA a p p rove d High re lia bilit y C o mp lia nt to Ro H S dire c tive 2011/6 5/ EU Halogen-fre e available S m a ll s ize Ve r ti c a l ( inline) k ink o r s tr a ight le ad s applications Ac ro s s -the -line L ine by- pa s s A nte nna c oup ling r esources D at a s he et: V Y2 S e r ie s - ht tp: //w w w.vis hay.c o m /do c 28 5 35 Fo r te c hni c a l qu e s tio n s c o nt ac t CD C vis hay.c o m One of the Worlds Largest Manufacturers of Discrete Semiconductors and Passive Components PRODUCT SHEET 1/2 VMn -Pt 9159-1306 THIS DOCUmENT IS SUbjECT TO CHANgE wITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIbED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUmENT ARE SUbjECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAImERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 Capacitors - High ReliabilityVishay i ntertechnology, i nc. c eramic Disc c apacitors V Y 2 S e ri e s VY2 Series www.vishay.com VY2 Series Vishay BCcomponents VY2 Series www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents AC Line Rated Disc Capacitors AC Line Rated Disc Capacitors VY2 Series AC Line Rated Disc Capacitors www.vishay.com Class X1, 440 VClass X1, 440 V, Class Y2, 300 V, Class Y2, 300 V AC AC AC AC Vishay BCcomponents Class X1, 440 V , Class Y2, 300 V AC AC FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES rd Complying with IEC 60384-14, 3 edition DIMENSIONS rd Complying with IEC 60384-14, 3 edition rd High reliability Complying with IEC 60384-14, 3 edition DR = 3.0 mm F High reliability SH = 4.0 mm Vertical (inline) kinked or straight leads max. Vertical (inline) kinked or straight leads High reliability max. Material categorization: Material categorization: d 0.6 mm For definitions of compliance please see Vertical (inline) kinked or straight leads VY2 Series T D For definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc 99912 www.vishay.com www.vishay.com/doc 99912 Material categorization: L = 30.0 mm Vishay BCcomponents 5.0 mm APPLICATIONS For definiCapacitortions of compliance please sees with 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm and 10 mm lead spacing APPLICATIONS Across-the-line www.vishay.com/doc 99912 AC Line Rated Disc Capacitors Across-the-line Line by-pass Line by-pass Antenna coupling Class X1, 440 V , Class Y2, 300 V ORDERING INFORMATION AC AC Antenna coupling APPLICATIONS CLEAR TEXT CODE BODY BODY LEAD COATING DESIGN TH FEATURES 15 DIGIT: TOL. TEMP. DIAMETER THICKNESS SPACING EXTENSION DESIGN Across-the-line (1) ThC (e cpaFp)acitors consist of a ceramic disc both sides of which T = REEL U = AMMO 3 = BULK rd (2) CQUomplyinICKg REFEwith IECREN60384CE-14 DA, TA3 edition (%) COEFFICIENT D T F DR MAX. MAX. MAX. The capacitors consist of a ceramic disc both sides of which QUICK REFERENCE DATA are silver-plated. Connection leads are made of tinned RoHS AND (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) High reliability Line by-pass RoHS COMPLIANT CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS are silver-plated. Connection leads are made of tinned HALOGEN-FREE copper having a diameter of 0.6 mm. CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS DESCRIPTION X1 X1 X1 Y2 Y2 Y2 copper ha Verticaving a diametl (inline) kinker of 0.ed or stra6 mm.ight leads VY2 for leadspacing 5.0 mm 2200 V , 50 Hz, 2 s AC DESCRIPTION X1 X1 X1 Y2 Y2 Y2 (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) The capacitors may be supplied Antwiennth vertical a coupl(inline) ingkinked 10 VY2100K29U2JS6*V5 VY2100K29U2JG6*V5 (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) The capacitors may be supplied Material categorization: with vertical (inline) kinked leads having a lead spacing of 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm, or 10.0 mm. Voltage (V ) 440 300 AC 15 VY2150K29U2JS6*V5 VY2150K29U2JG6*V5 leads having a lead spacing of 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm, or 10.0 mm. For definitions of compliance please see Encapsulation is made of flammable resistant epoxy resin in Voltage (V ) 440 300 AC 22 U2J (N750) VY2220K29U2JS6*V5 VY2220K29U2JG6*V5 Min. Encapsulation is made of flammable resistant epoxy resin in accordance with UL 94 V-0DESIGN www.vishay.com/doc 99912 Min. Capacitance 10 68 680 10 68 680 33 VY2330K29U2JS6*V5 VY2330K29U2JG6*V5 accordance with UL 94 V-0 Capacitance 10 68 680 10 68 680 (pF) 47 VY2470K29U2JS6*V5 VY2470K29U2JG6*V5 The capacitors consist of a ceramic disc both sides of which (pF) QUICK REFERENCE DATA CAPACITANCE RANGE APPLICATIONS 68 10 VY2680K29Y5SS6*V5 VY2680K29Y5SG6*V5 Max. CAPACITANCE RANGE are silver-plated. Connection leads are made of tinned 10100 pF to 0.01 F 7.5 VY2101K29Y5SS6*V5 VY2101K29Y5SG6*V5 Max. ACapaccross-itancthe-eline 47 680 10 000 47 680 10 000 CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 10 pF to 0.01 F Capacitance 47 680 10 000 47 680 10 000 (pF) 150 VY2151K29Y5SS6*V5 VY2151K29Y5SG6*V5 copper having a diameter of 0.6 mm. Line by-pass Y5S (2C3) (pF) DESCRIPTION X1 X1 X1 Y2 Y2 Y2 220 5.0 5.0 3.0 VY2221K29Y5SS6*V5 VY2221K29Y5SG6*V5 RATED VOLTAGE U R Mounting Through hole Antenna coupling RATED VOLTAGE U R (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) (U2J) (Y5S)330 (Y5U) The capacitors may be supplied with vertical VY2331K29Y(i5SSnlin6*V5e) kinkedVY2331K29Y5SG6*V5 Mounting Through hole IEC 60384-14 and UL60384-14: IEC 60384-14 and UL60384-14: 470 VY2471K29Y5SS6*V5 VY2471K29Y5SG6*V5 (X1): 440 V , 50 Hz leads having a lead spacing of 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm, or 10.0 mm. DESIGN AC 680 VY2681M29Y5US6*V5 VY2681M29Y5UG6*V5 Voltage (V ) 440 300 (X1): OP440 ERAV , T50 INHz AG TEC MPERATURE RANGE AC (Y2): 300 V , 50 Hz OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE The capacitors consist of a ceramic disc both sides of which 1000 AC VY2102M29Y5US6*V5 VY2102M29Y5UG6*V5 Encapsulation is made of flammable resistant epoxy resin in QUICK REFERENCE DATA - 40 C to + 125 C (Y2): 300 V , 50 Hz AC areMin. silver-plated. Connection leads are made of tinned 1500 8.0 VY2152M31Y5US6*V5 VY2152M31Y5UG6*V5 - 40 C to + 125 C 20 Y5U (2E3)accordance with UL 94 V-0 CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 2200 9.0 VY2222M35Y5US6*V5 VY2222M35Y5UG6*V5 copper having a diameter of 0.6 mm. TEST VOLTAGE Capacitance 10 68 680 10 68 680 DESCRIPTION X1 X1 X1 Y2 Y2 Y2 TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS TEST VOLTAGE 3300 10.5 VY2332M41Y5US6*V5 VY2332M41Y5UG6*V5 Component test (100 %) (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS The capacitors may be supplied (pF) with vertical (inline) kinked See Ordering Information Tables Component test (100 %) 3900 11.0VY2 Series VY2392M43Y5US6*V5 VY2392M43Y5UG6*V5 See Ordering Information Tables leads having a lead spacing of 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm, or 10.0 mm. 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s Voltage (V ) 440 300 AC CAPACITANCE RANGE AC 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s AC Encapsulation is madeMax. www.vishay.com of flammable resistant epoxy resin in (2600 V for LS 7.5 mm and 10 mm) CLIMATIC CATEGORY AC Vishay BCcomponents Min. (2600 V for LS 7.5 mm and 10 mm) 10 pF to 0.01 F accordanAC ce with UL 94 V-0 CLIMATIC CATEGORY Capacitance 47 680 10 000 47 680 10 000 Capacitance 10 68 680 10 68 680 (2200 V for LS 5.0 mm) 40/125/21 according to EN 60068-1 ORDERAC ING INFORMATION (2200 V for LS 5.0 mm) (pF) AC 40/125/21 according to EN 60068-1 (pF) Random sampling test (destructive test) CLEAR TEXT CODE CAPACITANCE RANGE BODY BODY LEAD COATING Random sampling test (destructive test)AC Line Rated Disc Capacitors TH Max. COATING 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s 15 DIGIT: AC RATED VOLTAGE U TOL. TEMP. DIAMETER THICKNESS SPACRING EXTENSION 10Mounti pF to 0.n01g F Through hole COATINGCapacitance 47 680 10 000 47 680 10 000 VY2 Ser(1) ies 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s C (pF) T = REEL U = AMMO 3 = BULK AccordiAC ng to UL 94 V-0 (2) Voltage proof (%)of coating COEFFI(destructive CIENT Dtest) T F DR (pF) Class X1, 440 V , Class Y2, 300 V MAX. MAX. MAX. IEC 60384-14 and UL60384-14: According to UL 94 V-0 AC AC RoHS AND Voltage proof of coating (destructive test) Epoxy resin, isolating, flame retardant (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) www.vishay.com RoHS COMPLIANT RATED VOLTAGE U 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s R AC HALOGEN-FREE Mounting Through hole Vishay BCcomponents Epoxy resin, isolating, flame retardant 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s AC (X1): 440 V , 50 Hz IEC 60384-14 and UL60384-14: FEATVY2 UREfor leadspacingS 7.5 mm AC 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s AC OPAPPERAROVATLINS G TEMPERATURE RANGE INSULATION RESISTANCErd 10 VY2100K29U2JS6*V7 VY2100K29U2JG6*V7 (X1): 440 V , 50 Hz Complying with IEC 60384-14, 3 edition APPROVALS AC (Y2): 300 V , 50 Hz INSULATION RESISTANCE AC OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE ENEC - VDE DE 1-30691 15 VY2150K29U2JS6*V7 VY2150K29U2JG6*V7 10 000 M minimum AC Line Rated Disc Capacitors - 40 C to (Y2): 300 V , + 12550 Hz C High reliability ENEC - VDE DE 1-30691 AC 10 000 M minimum UL60384-14 file E183844 22 10 U2J (N750) VY2220K29U2JS6*V7 VY2220K29U2JG6*V7 - 40 C to + 125 C UL60384-14 file E183844 Vertical (inline) kinked or straight leads Class X1, 440 V , Class Y2, 300 V CSA 22.2 33 VY2330K29U2JS6*V7 VY2330K29U2JG6*V7 TOLERANCE OF CAPACITANCE AC AC CSA 22.2 TEST VOLTAGE TEST VOLTAGE 47 VY2470K29U2JS6*V7 VY2470K29U2JG6*V7 TOLERANCE OF CAPACITANCE Material categorization: TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS 20 % (code M) 10 % (code K) TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS Component test (100 %) 68 VY2680K29Y5SS6*V7 VY2680K29Y5SG6*V7 PACKAGING 20 % (code M) 10 % (code K) For definitions of compliance please see FEATURES See Ordering Information Tables Component test (100 %) PACKAGING 100 7.5 VY2101K29Y5SS6*V7 VY2101K29Y5SG6*V7 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s rd See Ordering InformBulk tape AC and reel taped aation Tabmmopack les www.vishay.com/doc 99912 Complying with IEC 60384-14, 3 edition DISSIPATION FACTOR Bulk tape and reel taped ammopack 150 VY2151K29Y5SS6*V7 VY2151K29Y5SG6*V7 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s DISSIPATION F(2600 V for LS A7.5 CTORmm and 10 mm) 10 Y5S (2C3) AC AC CLIMATIC CATEGORY 2.5 % maximum High reliability 220 VY2221K29Y5SS6*V7 VY2221K29Y5SG6*V7 2.5 (2200% maximum V for LS 5.0 mm) APPLICATIONS 40/125/21 according to EN 60068-1 AC 330 (2600 V for LS 7.5 mm and V10 erticamml (inlin) e) VY23kink31K29Y5Sed or straS6*V7ight leadVY2331s K29Y5SG6*V7 The capacitors meet the essential requirements of CLIMATIC CATEGORY AC 5.0 7.5 3.0 The capacitors meet the essential requirements of Across-the-line Random sampling test (destructive test) 470 VY2471K29Y5SS6*V7 VY2471K29Y5SG6*V7 EIA 198. Unless stated otherwise all electrical values apply Material categorization: EIA 198. Unless stated otherwise all electrical values apply 680 (2200 V for LS 5.0 mm) VY2681M29Y5US6*V7 VY2681M29Y5UG6*V7 COATING 40/125/21 according to EN 60068-1 Line by-pass AC 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s at an ambient temperature of 25 C 3 C, at normal AC For definitions of compliance please see at an ambient temperature of 25 C 3 C, at normal 1000 VY2102M29Y5US6*V7 VY2102M29Y5UG6*V7 According to UL 94 V-0 atmospheAntenna couplric coningditions Voltage proof of coating (destructive test) Random sampling test (destructive www.vishtest)ay.com/doc 99912 atmospheric conditions 1500 8.0 VY2152M31Y5US6*V7 VY2152M31Y5UG6*V7 Epoxy resin, isolating, flame retardant 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s AC 2200 9.0 VY2222M35Y5US6*V7 VY2222M35Y5UG6*V7 COATING 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s DESIGN AC 3300 20 Y5U (2E3) 10.5 APPLICATIOVYN2332M41YS 5US6*V7 VY2332M41Y5UG6*V7 APPROVALS The capacitors consist of a ceramic disc both sides of which AccordiINSULATION REQUICK nREFEg to ULRENSISTANCE 9CE4 D V-0ATA 3900 11.0 VY2392M43Y5US6*V7 VY2392M43Y5UG6*V7 Across-the-line Voltage proof of coating (destructive test) ENEC - VDE DE 1-30691 are silver-plated. Connection leads are made of tinned 10 000 M minimum 4700 12.5 VY2472M49Y5US6*V7 VY2472M49Y5UG6*V7 Revision: 08-Mar-12 Document Number: 28535 CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 1 Line by-pass Epoxy resin, isolating, flame retardant RevisionUL60: 08-Mar384-14 fi-12le E183844 Document Number: 28535 copper ha6800 ving a diameter of 0.6 mm. 14.5 VY2682M59Y5US63V7 VY2682M59Y5UG63V7 1 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s DESCRIPTION X1 X1 X1 Y2 Y2 Y2 AC For technical questions, contact: CDC vishay.com Antenna coupling CSA 22.2 0.01 F 16.0 VY2103M63Y5US63V7 VY2103M63Y5UG63V7 (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) The capacitors may be supplied with vertical (inline) kinked For technical questions, contact: CDTOC LERAvishayNCE.com OF CAPACITANCE THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT leads having a lead spacing of 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm, or 10.0 mm. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUC Vo20 ltag%e TS (code (V DE)SCRM) IB ED HER10 % ARE4E4(code 0IN AN SUBK)D TJECHT TIS DOCUO SPECIMENT3F0IC0 DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 AC DESIGN APPROVALS PACKAGING Encapsulation is made of flammable resINSULATION REistant epoxy resin inSISTANCE ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 Min. The capacitors consist of a ceramic disc both sides of which Bulk tape and reel taped ammopack acRevisioncordanQUICKce w: 08-Mar REFEith UL 94 V-12RENCE-0 DATA Document Number: 28535 2 ENEC - VDDISSIPATION FE DE ACTOR1-30691 Capacitance 10 68 680 10 68 680 10 000 M minimum are silver-plated. Connection leads are made of tinned (pF) CLASS CLASS CLASS CLFASorS tecCLhniAScaSl quesCLASStions, contact: CDC vishay.com 2.5 % maximum UL60384-14 file E183844 copper having a diameter of 0.6 mm. CAPACITADESCRIPTIONCEN RX1ANGEX1 X1 Y2 Y2 Y2 THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT TheMax. capacitors meet the essential requirements of (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) (U2J) (Y5S) (Y5U) The capacitors may be supplied with vertical (inline) kinked CSA 22.2 10 pF to 0.01 F Capacitance 47 680 10 000 47 680 10 000 ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 TOLERANCE OF CAPACITANCE EIA 198. Unless stated otherwise all electrical values apply leads having a lead spacing of 5.0 mm, 7.5 mm, or 10.0 mm. (pF) Voltage (V ) 440 300 AC at an ambient temperature of 25 C 3 C, at normal Encapsulation is made of flammable resistant epoxy resin in RATED VOLTAGE U 20 % (code M) 10 % (code K) Mounting Through hole Min. R atmospheric conditions accordance with UL 94 V-0 PACKAGING IEC 603Capac84-itanc14 ane d UL610 0384-1468 : 680 10 68 680 (pF) (X1): 440 V , 50 Hz AC Bulk tape and reel taped ammopack CAPACITANCE RANGE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE DISSIPATION FACTOR Max. (Y2): 300 V , 50 Hz AC 10 pF to 0.01 F - 40 C to + 125 C Capacitance 47 680 10 000 47 680 10 000 2.5 % maximum (pF) Revision: 08-Mar-12 Document Number: 28535 1 TEST VOLTAGE RATED VOLTAGE U R TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS Mounting The caThrough holepacitors meet the essential requirements of For technical questions, contact: CDC vishay.com Component test (100 %) IEC 60384-14 and UL60384-14: See Ordering Information Tables THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT EIA 198. Unless stated otherwise all electrical values apply 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s AC (X1): 440 V , 50 Hz ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 AC OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE (2600 V for LS 7.5 mm and at an 10 mm) ambient temperature of 25 C 3 C, at normal AC CLIMATIC CATEGORY (Y2): 300 V , 50 Hz AC - 40 C to + 125 C (2200 V for LS 5.0 mm) AC 40/125/21 according to EN 60068-1 atmospheric conditions Random sampling test (destructive test) TEST VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS COATING Component test (100 %) 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s AC See Ordering Information Tables According to UL 94 V-0 Voltage proof of coating (destructive test) 2600 V , 50 Hz, 2 s AC Epoxy resin, isolating, flame retardant 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s (2600 V for LS 7.5 mm and 10 mm) CLIMATIC CATEGOAC RY AC (2200 V for LS 5.0 mm) 40/125/21 according to EN 60068-1 AC APPROVALS INSULATION RESISTANCE Revision: 08-Mar-12 Random samplDocuing ment Number: 28535test (destructive test) 1 ENEC - VDE DE 1-30691 10 000 M minimum COATING 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s AC UL60384-14 file E183844 For technical questions, contact: CDC vishay.com According to UL 94 V-0 Voltage proof of coating (destructive test) CSA 22.2 TOLERANCE OF CAPACITANCE THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT Epoxy resin, isolating, flame retardant 2600 V , 50 Hz, 60 s AC 20 % (code M) 10 % (code K) ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 PACKAGING APPROVALS INSULATION RESISTANCE Bulk tape and reel taped ammopack DISSIPATION FACTOR ENEC - VDE DE 1-30691 10 000 M minimum 2.5 % maximum UL60384-14 file E183844 The capacitors meet the essential requirements of CSA 22.2 TOLERANCE OF CAPACITANCE PRODUCT SHEET 2 /2 VMN-PT9159-1306 EIA 198. Unless stated otherwise all electrical values apply 20 % (code M) 10 % (code K) at an ambient temperature of 25 C 3 C, at normal PACKAGING atmospheric conditions Bulk tape and reel taped ammopack DISSIPATION FACTOR 2.5 % maximum THIS DOCUmENT IS SUbjECT TO CHANgE wITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIbED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUmENT ARE SUbjECT TO The capacitors meet the essential requirements of SPECIFIC DISCLAImERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 EIA 198. Unless stated otherwise all electrical values apply Revision: 08-Mar-12 Document Number: 28535 1 at an ambient temperature of 25 C 3 C, at normal For technical questions, contact: CDC vishay.com atmospheric conditions THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 Revision: 08-Mar-12 Document Number: 28535 1 For technical questions, contact: CDC vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc 91000 Capacitors - High Reliability Revision 09-mar-12

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