TM 6300T Series 3mm (T-1) LED SMD Right Angle Circuit Board Indicator 6300T75 - Yellow/Green Single level Surface Mount CBI, available in five different LED colors LONG LIFE LED Applications IInndduussttrriiaall SSwwiittcchheerrss FFoooodd SSeerrvviiccee IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss IIooTT SSttoorraaggee SSeerrvveerrss MMeeddiiccaall AAuuttoommaattiioonn && CCoonnttrrooll Key Features Surface mount device Elimination of Mixed Technology Boards LED Bulb Size: 0.112 (2.85mm) (SMT and Through-Hole components) Compatible with automatic placement Available in automation-friendly tape and equipment reel Compatible with infrared and vapor phase Available in 3 different colors (red, green solder processes and yellow) and 2 different bi-colors Black case enhances contrast ratio (red/green and green/yellow) Housing material meets UL94V-0 Yellow - Made with GaAsP/GaPGaAsP/GaP Lens material meets UL94-HB Green - Made with GaP Black housing enhances contrast ratio Diffused Lens equipment Moisture Sensitive Level (MSL): 3 Compliant with RoHS and REACH Viewing Angle: 50 degrees requirements Package: 1000 pcs/reel the first call for illuminated components 1.800.522.5546 09/16 Rev 1 1Ordering Data Color Reel Qty Part Number* Red 1,000 pcs/reel 6300T1 Green 1,000 pcs/reel 6300T5 Yellow 1,000 pcs/reel 6300T7 *Please consult 1,000 pcs/reel Red/Green 6300T15 the specific product 1,000 pcs/reel Yellow/Green data sheet for others colors 6300T75 Product Dimensions POLARITY MARK Recommended Soldering Pattern GREEN YELLOW Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is 0.25mm (0.01 ) unless otherwise noted. 3. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice 4. The device has a single mounting surface. The device must be mounted according to the specifications. the first call for illuminated components 1.800.522.5546 08/16 Rev 1 2