Neon Indicator Lamps
Small neon lamps are most widely useSmall neon lamps are most widely usedd as indicators as indicators
in electronic equipment and appliancein electronic equipment and appliancess, due to their low , due to their low
power consumption, long life, and abilipower consumption, long life, and abilitty to operate on mains powery to operate on mains power
Descriptions and Features
Rated Ma ximum
t Old R e f. B r e a kdown Volt age
P a r
Current (mA)
C o n gur ation Numbe r Numbe r
Wire Terminal -Stand ard B ri ghtne ss
2ML NE -38S 0. 3 65 90
A1 A NE -2 0. 5 65 95
NE -2T
A1 A- T 0. 5 65 90
0. 3
A1 B 65 90
0. 3
A1 D- T 65 90
A2 B NE -2V 0. 6 65 95
NE -2E
A9 A 0. 7 65 90
A9 A- T NE -2E T 0. 7 65 90
A9 A- C NE -2E 1 0. 7 65 90
Wire T erm inal -H igh Brightness
1MH NE -38 0. 6 95 135
A1 C 1. 2 95 135
A1 C -T 1. 2 95 135
G 2 B -1 1. 2 95 135
G 2 B -2 1. 4 95 135
A3 C NE -2U 1. 9 95 135
C 2 A NE -2H 1. 9 95 135
C 2 A -T NE -2H T 1. 9 95 135
D2 A 2. 6 95 135
your first call for illuminated components 1.800.522.5546
08/17 Rev 3
1Product Dimensions
S eries R esistor Average Dimensions
inches Part
100 -125V Useful
F ootnotes Number
Ohmss W Life A(Max.) B (Max.) C D
Wire T erminal- Standard B rightness
220K 1/4 25,000 .157 .394 1.00 Min. 1.00 Min. 2
150 1.00+0.06 1.00+0.06 A1A
K 1/4 25,000 .244 1.00
1.06+0.06 1.06+0.06 2 A1A-T
150K 1/4
25,000 .244 1.00
1.06+0.06 1.06+0.06 A1B
220K 1/4
25,000 .244 .500
1.00+0.06 1.00+0.06
2 A1D-T
220K 1/4 .244
25,000 .500
.750 2.06+0.06 2.06+0.06 A2B
100K 1/4 .244
2.06+0.06 2.06+0.06
100K 1/4 25,000 .244 .750 A9A
2.00 1,3 A9A-T
100K 1/4 25,000 .244 .750 2.00
100K 1/4 25,000 .244 .750 1.00 1.00
100 -125V
Ohmss W
Wire T erminal-High B rightness
82K 1MH
1/4 12,000 .157 1.00 Min. 1.00 Min. 2
47K 1/4 25,000 .244 .500 1.06+0.06 1.06+0.06 5,6 A1C
47K 1.00
1/4 25,000 .244 .500 1.00 2 A1C-T
47K 1/4 1.00 1.00 1,3
15,000 .244 .500 G2B-1
39K 1/4 1.00 1.00 1,3
15,000 .244 .750 G2B-2
30K 1/4 2.06+0.06 2.06+0.06
25,000 .244 .750 A3C
30K 1/4 .244 2.06+0.06 2.06+0.06
25,000 .750 C2A
30K 1/4 25,000 .244 2.06+0.06 2.06+0.06 C2A-T
.750 2
22K 1/4 25,000 .244 .980 1.00 1.00 D2A
1. Life value is to approximately 50% of initial light output. Values shown apply to
use on AC unless otherwise shown. Life on DC is approximately 60% of AC
values when DC current is equal to RMS AC value. When equal DC and RMS
AC voltages and equal resistances are utilized, life will be approximately the
2. Tinned leads.
3. Formed tip.
4. Lamp with a green-light-emitting phosphorous coating.
+ +
5. Lead wire spacing: 0.068" 0.009 (1.75mm 0.25mm)
+ 0.0007 (0.4mm + 0.02mm)
6. Lead wire diameter: 0.0150
Compliances and Approvals
your first call for illuminated components 1.800.522.5546
08/17 Rev 3