Comb-Style Jumper Bars and Alternate Comb-Style Jumper Bars 5 Operating Tool 294 Comb-style jumper bars and alternate comb- Comb-style jumper bars and alternate comb- Comb-style jumper bars and alternate comb- style jumper bars style jumper bars style jumper bars for 279 Series for 280/769/780/880 Series for 281/781 Series IN = IN terminal block IN = IN terminal block IN = IN terminal block Operating tool Operating tool Operating tool Pack. Pack. Pack. Item No. Item No. Item No. Unit Unit Unit Comb-style jumper bar, Comb-style jumper bar, Comb-style jumper bar, insulated insulated insulated 2-way 279-482 200(8x25) 2-way 280-482 200(8x25) 2-way 281-482 100(4x25) 3-way 279-483 200(8x25) 3-way 280-483 200(8x25) 3-way 281-483 100(4x25) 10-way 279-490 50(2x25) 10-way 280-490 50(2x25) 5-way 281-485 100(4x25) 10-way 281-490 50(2x25) Alternate comb-style jumper bar, Alternate comb-style jumper bar, Alternate comb-style jumper bar, insulated insulated insulated 2-way 279-492 200(8x25) 2-way 280-492 200(8x25) 2-way 281-492 100(4x25) Operating tool, Operating tool, Operating tool, of insulating material of insulating material of insulating material 2-way 279-432 1 2-way 280-432 1 2-way 280-432 1 3-way 279-433 1 3-way 280-433 1 3-way 280-433 1 10-way 279-440 1 10-way 280-440 1 5-way 281-440 1 4-conductor through terminal blocks, angled type Disconnect terminal blocks for test and measurement Carrier terminal blocks with component plugs Formation of groups with 3-way, comb-style jumper bars 10-way, comb-style jumper bar Alternate comb-style jumper bars 3-way, comb-style jumper barX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for wago manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 750-460 231-118/026-000 231-303/026-000 231-620/019-000 257-403 280-438 280-831 284-624 210-111 231-303/037-000 231-446/001- 000 NR 232-216/026-000 234-510 264-726 280-339 0283-0671 830-800/000-305 750-512 750-455 51251782 286-312 713-1428/107-000 731-138/048-000 750-459 750-517 793-3505 826-172 859-304 280-335 231-535/001-000 2604-1106 2604-1504 2606-1103/020-000 2624- 1103 2626-3103/020-000 821-104 713-1107 852-1411 2106-1307 2116-5307 832-1205 832-3604 2009-110 281-512/281-501 286-336 750-421 750-838 753-559 750-1505 787-732