The Walsin Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor MLCC SMD/SMT 0402X154K160CT is a 0.15uF ±10% 16V capacitor constructed with multilayer ceramic dielectric. The product is designed in an ultra-small 0402 inch package size, measuring just 1.0 x 0.5 mm with a maximum profile of 0.5mm. The capacitor has low ESR and is non-polarized, allowing for simple board routing and assembly, as well as high thermal endurance and reliable performance. It has low self-inductance, high equivalent series resistance (ESR), and stable capacitance over a broad range of frequencies and environmental conditions. The capacitor is ideal for high-speed signals, utilizing the series' low leakage current and excellent voltage derating characteristics. The 0402X154K160CT is rated for normal operation over an ambient temperature range of -55°C to +125°C and is suitable for a wide array of commercial, industrial, and automotive applications.