The WMP16N65FD fet transistor, manufactured by Wayon, is an N-channel, unipolar, high voltage MOSFET, which provides a broad range of capabilities for power applications. It has an operating voltage of up to 650 V, a current capacity of 13 Amps, and a power rating of 86 Watts, with a TO-251 package. Its advanced silicon technology makes it suitable for switching, line frequency converters, high current DC-DC converters, or other applications that require high voltage and high current capability. Its output characteristics are excellent and it has a low gate charge, resulting in a low input capacitance with superior switching performance. The WMP16N65FD fet transistor also offers high dv/dt capability, allowing it to withstand high dv/dt switching noise created by the output voltage and current. All of these features make it an ideal choice for high current power applications that require superior performance.