Datasheet CP - DCDC 50W Switchmode Power Supply DC to DC Converter Family The CP-DCDC 50W is a compact 50W DIN rail mounted DC to DC converter family. NEW This family is available in 2 input versions and 4 output versions, making it very versatile. 12V and 24V input versions 5V, 12V, 15V and 24V output variations user adjustable output voltage input and output plug-socket connectors output status LED DIN rail (TS35) mountable chassis mountable with optional hardware just 57mm (2.24) wide robust metal housing Brasil Canada Mexico United States Weidmller do Brasil Ltda. Weidmuller Ltd. Weidmuller, S.A. de C.V. Weidmuller Inc. Rua Antonio das Chagas, 10 Spy Court 5 Sur No. 4311 821 Southlake Blvd. 439 - Sto. Amaro Markham, Ontario L3R 5H6 Col. Huexotitla Richmond, Virginia 23236 04714-000 So Paulo SP Telephone: (800) 268-4080 72534 Puebla, Pue. Mexico Telephone: (800) 849-9343 Telephone: (11) 5184 2484 Facsimile: (905) 475-2798 Telephone: (22) 37 2549 Facsimile: (804) 379-2593 Facsimile: (11) 5184 2483 Email: info1 Facsimile: (22) 43 1981 Email: info Email: weidmuller Website: Email: weidmull Website: www.weidmuller.comCP-DCDC 50W SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss 1122VVddcc IInnppuutt VVeerrssiioonn OOuuttppuutt VVoollttaaggee//MMaaxx.. CCuurrrreenntt 5Vdc 8A 12Vdc 3A 15Vdc 3A 24Vdc 2A factory setting adjustment range 4.6Vdc to 5.6Vdc 10.5Vdc to 14.5Vdc 13Vdc to 18Vdc 20.5Vdc to 29.5Vdc IInnppuutt VVoollttaaggee minimum 10.2Vdc typical 12.0Vdc maximum 13.8Vdc 4.53A 3.88A 4.7A 4.96A IInnppuutt CCuurrrreenntt 10A slow blow IInnppuutt PPrrootteeccttiioonn fuse SSwwiittcchhiinngg FFrreeqquueennccyy 180 KHz PWM EEffffiicciieennccyy mmaaxx llooaadd 75% 80% 80% 80% MMaaxxiimmuumm RRiippppllee 0.2% RMS RReegguullaattiioonn load (10 - 100% load) 2.00% 0.50% 0.50% 0.20% line 0.50% 0.25% 0.30% 0.50% Yes PPrrootteeccttiioonn Short Circuit Yes Over Voltage Yes Under Voltage Other Continuous short circuit protection on output MMaaxx.. LLooaadd CCaappaacciittaannccee oonn OOuuttppuutt 8000uF 10000uF 10000uF 10000uF HHoolldd TTiimmee 2.5ms 3.8mS 3.5mS 3.5mS TTeemmppeerraattuurree RRaannggee storage -40C to +85C (-40F...185F) -10C to +50C (14F...122F) Derate: 20% 60C (140F) operating 20 to 90% HHuummiiddiittyy storage 20 to 85% operating GGaallvvaanniicc IIssoollaattiioonn 500Vac RMS input to output input/output to rail 4KV RMS input to ground 500Vac RMS output to ground 500Vac RMS WWiirree SSiizzee 0.1 - 4.0mm2 (26-12AWG) 98 x 57 x 131mm (3.9 x 2.24 x 5.16) DDiimmeennssiioonnss length x width x height 454g (1lb) Weight AApppprroovvaallss//CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonnss CSA, UL, CE OOrrddeerriinngg DDaattaa 9919371205 9919371212 9919371215 9919371224 AAcccceessssoorriieess Chassis Mounting Kit 7920560000 2244VVddcc IInnppuutt VVeerrssiioonn OOuuttppuutt VVoollttaaggee//MMaaxx.. CCuurrrreenntt factory setting 55VVddcc 88AA 1122VVddcc 33AA 1155VVddcc 33AA 2244VVddcc 22AA adjustment range 4.6Vdc to 5.6Vdc 10.5Vdc to 14.5Vdc 13Vdc to 18Vdc 20.5Vdc to 29.5Vdc IInnppuutt VVoollttaaggee minimum 20.4Vdc typical 24.0Vdc maximum 27.6Vdc IInnppuutt CCuurrrreenntt 2.3A 1.93A 2.37A 2.49A IInnppuutt PPrrootteeccttiioonn fuse 6.3A slow blow SSwwiittcchhiinngg FFrreeqquueennccyy 330KHz PWM EEffffiicciieennccyy mmaaxx llooaadd 75% 80% 80% 80% MMaaxxiimmuumm RRiippppllee 0.2% RMS RReegguullaattiioonn load (10 - 100% load) 1.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.20% line 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% PPrrootteeccttiioonn Short Circuit Yes Over Voltage Yes Under Voltage Yes Other Continuous short circuit protection on output MMaaxx.. LLooaadd CCaappaacciittaannccee oonn OOuuttppuutt 8000uF HHoolldd TTiimmee 7.8mS 10mS 7mS 7mS -40C to +85C (-40F...185F) TTeemmppeerraattuurree RRaannggee storage -10C to +50C (14F...122F) Derate: 20% 60C (140F) operating HHuummiiddiittyy storage 20 to 90% operating 20 to 85% GGaallvvaanniicc IIssoollaattiioonn input to output 500Vac RMS input/output to rail 4KV RMS input to ground 500Vac RMS output to ground 500Vac RMS 2 WWiirree SSiizzee 0.1 - 4.0mm (26-12AWG) DDiimmeennssiioonnss 98 x 57 x 131mm (3.9 x 2.24 x 5.16) length x width x height Weight 454g (1lb) AApppprroovvaallss//CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonnss CSA, UL, CE OOrrddeerriinngg DDaattaa 99991199337722440055 99991199337722441122 99991199337722441155 99991199337722442244 AAcccceessssoorriieess Chassis Mounting Kit 77992200556600000000 2 Subject to technical changes Printed in Canada LIT0116 08/2001