The electronic part WS72551S-8/TR with General Purpose Amplifiers is a SOIC-8L RoHS-compliant device manufactured by Will Semiconductor. It is an operational amplifier with a low gain bandwidth product of 8MHz, and a quiescent power supply current of 2.5mA per channel. It has an offset voltage of 1mV, a slew rate of 8V/µs, an open-loop voltage gain of 175V/mV, and a gain bandwidth product of 8MHz. The operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C, and it features a total harmonic distortion of 0.001% at 1KHz, a common mode rejection ratio of 85dB, and a power supply rejection ratio of 85dB. It is an ideal choice for a variety of applications including battery-operated and power-supply sensitive systems, and audio signal processing.