Spezifikation fr Freigabe / specification for release Kunde / customer : Artikelnummer / part number : 744778910W SPEICHERDROSSEL WE-PD Bezeichnung : description : POWER-CHOKE WE-PD DATUM / DATE : 2012-09-10 A Mechanische Abmessungen / dimensions : 7332 A D B A 7,3 0,3 mm B 3,3 0,2 mm C C 1,5 0,2 mm D 1,5 0,3 mm E 4,0 0,3 mm A Marking E FRM 1 = Start of winding Marking = Inductance code B Elektrische Eigenschaften / electrical properties : C Ltpad / soldering spec. : Testbedingungen / Eigenschaften / Wert / value Einheit / unit tol. mm test conditions properties Induktivitt / 1,7 100 kHz / 0,25V L 10,0 H 20% inductance DC-Widerstand / 20C R 70,0 typ. DC typ mW 2,0 DC-resistance DC-Widerstand / 20C R max. 84,0 mW DC max DC-resistance 8,0 4,0 Nennstrom/ T= 40 K I max. 1,70 A R rated current Sttigungsstrom/ L/L < 10% I 2,34 A typ. sat saturation current 2,0 Eigenres.-Frequenz / 20C f 23,0 MHz typ. res self-res.-fequency D Prfgerte / test equipment : E Testbedingungen / test conditions : WAYNE KERR 3260B fr/for L I Luftfeuchtigkeit / humidity: 33% sat Agilent N5776A / Dostmann T905 fr/for I Umgebungstemperatur / temperature: +20C R GMC Metrahit 27I fr/for R DC Agilent E4991A fr/for f res F Werkstoffe & Zulassungen / material & approvals : G Eigenschaften / general specifications : Basismaterial / base material: Ferrit/ferrite Betriebstemp. / operating temperature: -40C - + 125C Therminal base material: Copper- alloy Umgebungstemp. / ambient temperature: -40C - + 85C Therminal finish: Ni barrier / matte Sn It is recommended that the temperature of the part does Draht / wire: Class H not exceed 125C under worst case operating conditions. Glue and base can get yellow after sodlering process Kunde / customer Freigabe erteilt / general release: .................................................................................................................................................................. Datum / date Unterschrift / signature Wrth Elektronik ALa Version 1 12-09-10 .............................................................................................. Geprft / checked Kontrolliert / approved Name nderung / modification Datum / date Wrth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG D-74638 Waldenburg Max-Eyth-Strae 1 - 3 Germany Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 Spezifikation fr Freigabe / specification for release Kunde / customer : Artikelnummer / part number : 744778910W Bezeichnung : SPEICHERDROSSEL WE-PD description : POWER-CHOKE WE-PD DATUM / DATE : 2012-09-10 H Induktivittskurve / Inductance curve : Induktivitt vs Strom (typ.)/ Inductance vs Current (typ.) 12,00 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 Current (A) Kunde / customer Freigabe erteilt / general release: .................................................................................................................................................................. Datum / date Unterschrift / signature Wrth Elektronik ALa Version 1 12-09-10 .............................................................................................. Geprft / checked Kontrolliert / approved Name nderung / modification Datum / date Wrth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG D-74638 Waldenburg Max-Eyth-Strae 1 - 3 Germany Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400