2 PRI 120 -375V 6 0 k H z 7 1 SEC 20 V - 750 m A 4 SEC 8 30 V - 20 m A 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 25C unless otherwise noted: D .C. RESISTANCE ( 20 C): 1-2 , 2.85 Ohm s 10 % . 3-4 , 1.37 Ohm s 10 % . 7-8 , 0 .12 Ohm s 20 % . D IELECTRIC RATING : 40 0 0 V AC, 1 m inute tested b y a p p ly ing 40 0 0 V AC for 1 sec ond b etween p ins 1-8(tie 2+ 3). 50 0 V AC, 1 m inute tested b y a p p ly ing 6 25V AC for 1 sec ond b etween p ins 1-4. IND U CTANCE: 1.48 m H 10 % , 10 k H z , 10 0 m V AC, 0 m AD C, 1-2, Ls. SATU RATION CU RRENT: 80 0 m A sa tura ting c urrent tha t c a uses 20 % rolloff from initia l induc ta nc e. LEAK AG E IND U CTANCE: 21 H ty p ., 35 H m a x ., 10 0 k H z , 10 0 m V AC, 1-2(tie 3+ 4, 7+ 8), Ls. TU RNS RATIO: ( 2-1 ):( 4-3 ), ( 3.846 ):( 1 ), 1% . ( 2-1 ):( 7-8 ), ( 5.76 9 ):( 1 ), 1% . Func tiona l insula tion for a p rim a ry c irc uit a t a work ing v olta g e of 40 0 V D C. OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: -40C to 125C including temp. rise. T 0 5420 U nless otherwise sp ec ified, tolera nc es a re a s follows: Ang les: 1 Fra c tions: 1/6 4 W E-M idc om , Inc . W E-M idc om , Inc . D ec im a ls: .0 0 5(.127m m ) W a tertown, SD U SA D ra wing Title D ra wing Num b er Rev . Toll Free: 80 0 -6 43-26 6 1 0 1 750 31140 2 Tra nsform er Fa x : 6 0 5-886 -4486 This dra wing is dua l dim ensioned. Sc a le ---- Sheet 2 of 5 Rev isions: See Sheet 1 D im ensions is b ra c k ets a re in m illim eters Eng ineer:APS 11/25/20 0 9X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for wurth manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 687001 744741101 750341638 31402 61801525023 686626050001 744741471 744772681 744777 749119950 750312504 890334025009 IC-744885 875115350002 600690282801 178050601 615008138221 744999 7446823003 7446323004 744028 66201621822 7446221012 744720 760895431 760895651 662006236022 64900621822 418117270910 890334026014 744839208072 744762A/RFI 74651174R 744838180160 885300 750310346 861011384014 750817018 33008 3020903 885342 2603019321001 2603019021001 2606039021001 2608019324001 2607019213001 2605039241001 2605049281001 2607029291011 687732200002