AMB2561 Wireless 2.4 GHz USB Stick for radio data applications Key Features USB version of the OEM radio module AMB2520 Range* up to 100 m / 300 m (AMB2561 / AMB2561-1) Communication via a virtual COM port Integrated software stack with comprehensive range of functions Flexible addressing and network topologies with up to 255 nodes in 255 networks Configurable data rate and transfer channel AMB2561 with integrated antenna AMB2561-1 with SMA connector Network Topologies Description The AMB2561 is a variation of the low cost radio module AMB2520 for easy connection to a PC via the USB interface. In combination with the relevant radio technology in the end device, this solution enables quick and simple realisation of PC supported radio networks and can for example be used for data collection or control tasks. The integrated functionality of the AMB2520 enables a wireless half-duplex transmission of data. The integrated microprocessor controls all radio Point-to-point communication and handles packet and checksum formation, addressing, monitoring of channel access as well as the re-transmission of unacknowledged packets. The USB stick offers numerous configuration possibilities and data transfer with fast channel and address switching is also supported. It is also possible to assess the quality of the radio link using the measured field strength (RSSI value). The graphical user interface of the free windows application AMBER-ACC allows easy configuration of the operating parameters. The AMB2561-1, with SMA connector for the rf output in combination with a suitable antenna leads to an improved range. It is also possible to operate the USB Stick inside a shielded environment (e.g. a steel cabinet), by leading the rf to the outside via cable and mounting the antenna there. Point-to-Multipoint Interfaces The device is connected either via a virtual COM port or directly via USB using the corresponding software API. The USB controller (FTDI: FT231XQ) supports USB 2.0 (full speed). The corresponding drivers may be downloaded from the FTDI website. The software-interface is identical to that of the AMB2520 and is described in the corresponding manual. Scope of Application Data collection, monitoring, remote control and sensor networks. Peer-to-Peer AMB2561 Specifications Performance Range* up to 100 m / 300 m (AMB2561 / AMB2561-1) RF data rate up to 500 kbps Radio Technology Addressing up to 255 nodes in 255 networks Frequency range 2400 2483,5 MHz Channel spacing 500 kHz Modulation type 2-FSK, MSK Supported topologies Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint, Peer-to-Peer Operating Range Temperature -40C to 85C * Range stated is assuming line-of-sight. Actual range will vary based upon e.g. antenna selection, persons or objects and in particular ferrous materials in the line of transmission, other 2,4 GHz Systems or operation near the ground. Evaluation Kit AMB2520-EV Ordering Information Item no. Description AMB2561 Wireless 2.4 GHz USB stick with integrated antenna AMBER wireless GmbH AMB2561-1 Wireless 2,4 GHz USB stick with SMA connector Phone +49.651.993.550 Email info AMB1926 2,4 GHz antenna with swivel base Internet AMBER wireless GmbH assumes that the statements made in this data sheet are correct at the time of issue. AMBER wireless GmbH reserves the right to make changes to technical specifications or product functions without prior notice. AMBER wireless GmbH does not assume any responsibility for the use of the described products, neither does it convey any license under its patent rights. All trademarks, registered trademarks and product names are the property of their owners. 2014 AMBER wireless GmbH AMB2561 DS 1 1