Spezifikation fr Freigabe / specification for release Kunde / customer : Artikelnummer / part number : S14100039 Bezeichnung : STROMKOMPENSIERTE DROSSEL WE-CMB description : COMMON MODE CHOKE WE-CMB DATUM / DATE : 2015-07-23 A Mechanische Abmessungen / dimensions: A B A 29,0 max. mm B 20,0 max. mm Glue C 4,5 0,5 mm E1 12,0 0,5 mm E2 10,0 0,5 mm F1 1,8 max. mm F2 F1 F2 3,3 max. mm 1 2 2 3 G mm 29,0 max. Front View Side View E2 Tape 1 2 4 3 Bottom View B Elektrische Eigenschaften / electrical properties: C Schaltbild / schematic: Testbedingungen / Eigenschaften / Wert / value Einheit / unit tol. properties test conditions Leerlauf-Induktivitt / 10 kHz / 50A L 30% 0,285 mH O inductance 1 2 DC-Widerstand / 20C R 1,6 max. m W DC DC-resistance N1 N2 Nennstrom / I max. 25,0 A DC nominal current 4 3 Nennspannung/ U V max. 250 N AC nominal voltage D Prfgerte / test equipment: E Testbedingungen / test conditions: WAYNE KERR WK3260B/WK3265 fr/for L /L und/and RDC Luftfeuchtigkeit / humidity: 33% 0 N HP 34401 A fr/for I Umgebungstemperatur / temperature: +25C N 1500 V,50 Hz Prfspannung / testing voltage 3mA , 2 sec. F Werkstoffe & Zulassungen / material & approvals G Eigenschaften / general specifications: Sockel / base: UL94V-0 Klimabestndigkeit/ climatic class: 40/125/21 Draht / wire: Class F (155C) Betriebstemp. / operating temperature: -40C - + 125C Vergu / molding: UL94V-2 bertemperatur / temperature rise: < 55 K Abstandhalter / spacer: UL94V-0 It is recommended that the temperature of the part does not exceed 125C under worst case operating conditions. Kunde / customer Freigabe erteilt / general release: .................................................................................................................................................................. Datum / date Unterschrift / signature Wrth Elektronik HasA Version 3 15-07-23 HasA Version 2 15-03-05 ..................................................................................................................................................................HasA Version 1 14-04-15 Geprft / checked Kontrolliert / approved Name nderung / modification Datum / date This electronic component has been designed and developed for usage in general electronic equipment. Before incorporating thi s component into any equipment where higher safety and reliability is especially required or if there is the possibility of direct damage or injury to human body, for example in th e range of aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information ne twork etc, Wrth Elektronik eiSos GmbH must be informed before the design-in stage. In addition, sufficient reliability evaluation checks for safety must be performed on every electronic componen t which is used in electrical circuits that require high safety and reliability functions or performance. Wrth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG D-74638 Waldenburg Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 -3 Germany Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 Spezifikation fr Freigabe / specification for release Kunde / customer : Artikelnummer / part number : S14100039 Bezeichnung : STROMKOMPENSIERTE DROSSEL WE-CMB description : COMMON MODE CHOKE WE-CMB DATUM / DATE : 2015-07-23 25 20 15 10 5 0 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 Frequency MHz A (comm) A (diff) Kunde / customer Freigabe erteilt / general release: .................................................................................................................................................................. Datum / date Unterschrift / signature Wrth Elektronik HasA Version 3 15-07-23 HasA Version 2 15-03-05 ..................................................................................................................................................................HasA Version 1 14-04-15 Geprft / checked Kontrolliert / approved Name nderung / modification Datum / date TThhis is eeleclecttrroonnic ic cocommppoonneenntt hhaas s bbeeeenn ddeesigsignneedd aanndd ddeeveveloplopeedd ffoorr uusasaggee in in ggeenneerraal l eeleclecttrroonnic ic eeqquuipmipmeenntt.. BBeeffoorree incincoorrppoorraattinging tthhii s s ccoommppoonneenntt intintoo aannyy eeqquuipmipmeenntt wwhheerree hhighigheerr sasaffeettyy aanndd rreeliliaabbililityity is is eespspeeciaciallllyy rreeqquuirireedd oorr if if tthheerree is is tthhee ppoossssibiliibilittyy ooff ddirireectct ddaammaaggee oorr injuinjurryy ttoo hhuummaann bbooddyy,, ffoorr eexxaammpple le in in tthh ee rraannggee ooff aaeerroospspaacece,, aaviaviattionion,, nnuuclecleaarr coconnttrrool, l, susubbmmaarrineine,, ttrraannspspoorrttaattionion,, ((aauuttoommoottiveive coconnttrrool, l, ttrraain in coconnttrrool, l, shship ip coconnttrrool)l),, ttrraannspspoorrttaattionion sigsignnaal, l, ddisaisaststeerr pprreevevennttionion,, mmeeddicaical, l, ppuubblilic c infinfoorrmmaattionion nnee ttwwoorrkk eettc,c, WWrrtthh EEleklekttrroonnikik eeiSiSoos s GmGmbbH H mmuustst bbee infinfoorrmmeedd bbeeffoorree tthhee ddeesigsignn--in in ststaaggee.. IInn aadddditioitionn,, susufffficienicientt rreeliliaabbililityity eevavalualuattionion chcheeckcks s ffoorr sasaffeettyy mmuustst bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd oonn eeveverryy eeleclecttrroonnic ic cocommppoonneenn tt wwhhichich is is uusesedd in in eeleclecttrricaical l circircucuitsits tthhaatt rreeqquuiriree hhighigh sasaffeettyy aanndd rreeliliaabbililityity ffuunnctctionions s oorr ppeerrffoorrmmaanncece.. Wrth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG D-74638 Waldenburg Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 -3 Germany Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400