The PL4100A is a 64-pin low-profile quad-flat-pack (LQFP) other processor and microcontroller (MCU) RoHS-compliant manufactured by XIAOCHENG. This MCU is powerful and efficient, featuring a 32-bit RISC architecture, advanced clock speed management, and a 16 K byte OTP memory. This chip's RISC core has a power saving dual-clock system, 64/32 bit instructions, and dynamic power-consumption management. The PL4100A's cores also have multiply and divide support, plus optimized execution of memory access instructions. It comes with an array of embedded interfaces, such as an SPI, CAN, I2C, and UART, and the MCU consumes low power in idle mode. This chip is ideal for applications in small appliances, vehicles, and Internet of Things (IoT) products.