The XD74LS148 with Signal Switches, Multiplexers and Decoders DIP-16 RoHS is a 16-pin integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by XINLUDA. It is a low power, low-voltage, high-speed, advanced logic device. It can act as an 8-to-1 multiplexer, a 3-to-8 decoder and a 3-bit level-sensitive decoder. It offers logic compatibility with TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) series ICs. It has low power consumption, low-voltage operations and high speed. The XD74LS148 provides high output drive capability and wide range of operating supply voltage. Moreover, it is RoHS-compliant which ensures that the product is free from hazardous or undesirable materials, and the DIP-16 package provides maximum convenience for easy fitting into any board.